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"Where the fuck have you been?" Dad yelled, throwing a beer bottle at me, busting as it hit the wall to the right of my face. I could feel the glass shards in my skin, making me want to cry.

"I'm sorry daddy, I won't leave again." I backed away, tears falling from my cut face.

"You're damn right you ain't leaving again." He growled, towering over my small body. He pulled my by my hair, dragging me to my room. He shoved me on the floor, and slammed the door shut. I could hear my mom screaming at him, but my brain just kept screaming for one thing.

I quickly ran over to the mirror, grabbing the razor I hid in the broken frame. I took a deep breath, cutting into my skin, the burning sensation giving me the type of pain I had been longing for. I looked at my phone, seeing as it lit up. Colby.

I hid my blade again, wiping away my tears.

'Want to hang out?'

I instantly agreed, standing up to cut my light on. I grabbed my best skinny jeans, a nice hoodie, and my black converse. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I quickly put on makeup to cover up most of the cuts that Dad did when he threw the bottle at me. I sighed, grabbing a bag to put some clothes in it, grabbed my charger, tampons, and Colby's shirt that he let me keep.

I placed random things on my bed to make it seem like I was sleeping there, but I locked the door, and placed a chair in front of it, just in case. I opened my window, quietly climbing out. I shut the window, and made a run to wherever, just as long as it wasn't here. I love you mom, but I can't live with him like you can.

I sat at the ocean, the smell of it calming my wrecked nerves. My phone buzzed, instantly as I was about to text Colby. A flash came to my attention, making my heart speed up. It was too early for the sun to be up, so I couldn't really see anything around me.

"Look who it is!" Alayna stumbled into view, barely able to keep her balance. "Everyone so thought that you killed yourself." She slurred, plopping down beside me. "Why haven't you been coming to school?" She questioned, rocking back and forth, obviously drunk out of her mind.

"Shouldn't you be happy I'm not there anymore? I mean, you want me to kill myself, you want me to expose my wrists to the world, what the fuck do you want?" I yelled, tears on the brink from anger.

"Calm down bitch, you need to grab your panties from your ass, I'm trying to make conversation." She hiccuped. I rolled my eyes, looking around to find Colby.

"Well, I'm sorry I treated you like ass so much. I'm a cool person once you get to know me." Alayna stood up, almost losing her balance. Twice.

"See you in hell!" She walked off, her shoe getting stuck in the sand a few times before she finally disappeared.

"There you are!" Colby smiled, sitting down beside me. I gave him a soft smile, but it faded fast. "What happened to your face?!" Colby questioned, taking my face in his hands, examining every detail.

"Dad." I whispered, not making eye contact with his ocean blue ones.

"We have to tell someone!" He argued, standing up. I grabbed his hand, making him calm down, and sit down beside me.

"It doesn't matter, he'll just do it again. I just want to relax for a little bit. I guess I'm going to find a job, drop out of school, get an apartment." I pushed my hands through my hair, getting annoyed with my family, with life itself.

"Let me talk to Elton, see if you can finish school, live with us, and let you find your own place. I don't want you going back to a place that is harmful to you." Colby wrapped his arm around me. I gave him a soft smile, laying my head on his shoulder.

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