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The rattle of bullets burst into life as Jared rounded a corner after Kell, bodies slumped into a pool of blood as they dropped lifeless as Kell cut the two down. He moved onwards without concern for the fallen, he kept his rifle ready as he popped round corners and into rooms, keeping low and moving fast Jared stumbled behind him half blind bumping into walls as he turned to soon for a turn.

Kell popped his gun out of cover and shot three men easily as they huddled down the corridor hurrying to stop the infiltration.

Jared barely caught the gloved hand as it ripped Kell's gun away tossing it to the floor. Kell didn't blink as his hand swiped at the agent, his back hand landed with a resounding slap against the man's face knocking him sideways.

Kell's hand grabbed the agents head and slammed it into the wall before grabbing his gun from the floor and moved on again as if nothing had happened. Jared breathed heavily in panic following Kell and keeping low he clutched the churned up flesh of his eye.

"come on keep it up, we are almost to my squad." kell reassured Jared.

"and then we're out right?"Jared asked through his teeth and a gulp of air.

"nope, that's barely half way, but it'll be easy from there." Kell laughed.

Jared's hope died instantly, his legs felt heavy and the pain from his eye pulsed quicker bringing pain in larger bursts. Jared's breathing became erratic and terrified, his head felt light and his partial sight hindered the speed he could move at.

"sgt. We are ready to move out on your word. Charges are set and Ghandi is setting the last hidden camera's, fat lot of good it will do" a large man stated, his tightly cropped hair suited his stiff appearance.

"Ghandi?" Jared asked in huffs.

"codename" one of the men said without looking at him.

"we might as well try to catch them doing something on the camera's Ram, but I agree in a way." Kell said his breathing barely elevated.

"when Ghandi is finished Stark and Hummer will take point with Ash. Ram you take back with ghandi and I'll stay with the objective in the middle." Kell spoke with an assurance that all would comply and as he spoke each one nodded in acceptance.

"ready" the man they called Ghandi piqued up.

"ok take positions, weapons free, move out." Kell ordered.

Jared remained quiet as they surrounded him, strategies and formations leaked into his mind as they spoke, his mind buzzed with the new activity in it.

Jared retreated to his mind and soaked up all the new skills that leaked into his mind. Numb Jared was pulled forwards he didn't protest in his semi-comatose state.

The world broke into his delirium sporadically interrupting the flow of information.

The space around him was ablaze with gunfire as the charged through the corridors of the compound. Jared stared zombie at the havoc that was unfolding around him, the world exploded in a spray of concrete and pellets of death.

Jared watched with little recognition of the danger he faced, the fear dwelled somewhere beneath the surface underneath the blanket that the new mind had thrown over him.

Sounds were dampened as a bang went off near Jared and a blinding white light seared his eye, his vision returned allowing him to see Kell mow down several guards with his machine gun, ram grappled with a smaller man who seemed to escape his grip just in time to save his neck.

Ash, the only female of the group clung to the ceiling with gravity boots, somersaulting down to enemies and picking them off from above like a eagle.

Ghandi stayed low shooting off the guards legs, incapacitating them so that others could finish them off somewhat leisurely.

Stark and hummer stayed back to back swirling around, stark wielded two custom colts, his body was covered in ammo packs for his guns that seemed to be ready to reload at a seconds notice.

Hummer held in his large hands a olden styled Tommy gun that rattled violently as he shot it, on his back was two sub-machine guns hanging by black straps.

"push forwards the extraction zone is two clicks further" Kell roared in the chaos.

Hands grabbed Jared in the mayhem, pulling him to the ground in a crumpled heap. Jared looked around wildly, his senses reinserting themselves suddenly, two glowing eyes of the guards masks met his own, the guards dagger glinted with and electrical current in the dark.

The guards hand thrust downwards at Jared's throat, without hesitating Jared rammed his palm onto the blade and rolled out from under the guard, yanking the dagger from the grip of his assailant Jared kicked the guards chest with the sole of his boot sending the guard to the rumble encrusted floor.

Jared leapt on the man and drove the dagger through his helmet, and then with his free hand pulled the dagger out of the man's head and his hand.

"Jared get over here now" Kell shouted in a fray of bullets.

Keeping low Jared ran through the rumble of the corridor to Kell and his squad,they formed three lines, first stayed low and fired at the advancing guards and the second crouched above them covering Jared as he made his way to them, the third set up four glowing beacons on the walls and floor.

"Ghandi, Ash are you done yet?" Kell yelled.

"one moment" Ash replied.

"we don't have a moment they'll unleash the Gurien's soon, get it done now!" Kell shouted back as he let rip more rounds of bullets that shredded the walls and peppered the guards bodies.

Jared slid into the gap they opened for him just as Ash finished, instantly the team moved backwards into the perimeter of the beacons, with a sickeningly high pitch noise Jared's half blackened world was engulfed in blue, his bodied dropped onto a cold metal floor seconds before his vision returned.

"Punch it Ajax." Ram coughed.

The metal floor lurched forwards beneath Jared, he steadied himself as he looked around at the military outfitted Hover ship.

The control panels projected maps into the air, the hum of the engine growled underneath their feet as it soared through the sky. Blinking lights sounded off with a beep as the radar checked for enemy sentries, Kell and his men settled into a few seats around the room as others disappeared down poles to lower sectors of the ship.

"so this is the package? Better be worth it, looks a bit sheepish to me." Ajax said.

"thank you, you saved me." Jared breathed.

"we just need what's in his head, with the code we will be able to unlock it." Kell spoke with a relieved tone.

"so they couldn't get the information from him because of the code, good we need to know what Warren found." Ram chipped in.

"what? There's no information in here, I couldn't find it, it's not in here!" Jared said getting slightly agitated by their conversation.

"you couldn't find it because Warren implanted a code in his cerebral cortex, blocking you from accessing it. We have the code to unlock it." Kell explained.

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