<<Chapter 3>>

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*2 years later*

The sky is bright, yet it's so chilly outside even so, I feel warm with his hand in mine.
Alex and I started dating a year after our first meeting.
He asked me out on my birthday.

Right now we were on our way to the cinema.
When we entered in the cinema I saw a familiar face but, I paid it no mind.
Alex and I decided to watch a romance movie. We bought popcorn and drinks and went to the cinema room.


In the middle of the movie I heard kissing sounds from the people sitted behind us. It was making me uncomfortable. At first, I tried to ignore it thinking it will stop soon but, when it didn't,I started to get pissed.
I couldn't stand it anymore, so I turned around only to be met by a couple eating each other's faces.
I honestly never understood this type of couples. Like if you are going to come to the cinema and pay for a movie, then watch the fucking movie.
Alex sensed my discomfort and mouthed towards me what was wrong. I just raised one finger telling him to wait a little.

''Excuse me. Could you please tone it done a little? '' I whispered trying to be as polite and quiet as possible, even though I wanted to yell at them.

They stopped kissing and looked at me with annoyed faces.
The girl's eyes widen when she saw my face. She was staring at me. I analyzed her and I freezed.
It was that girl who I beat at the dance battle 2 years ago. It seems like she also remembered who I am. 

"What we are doing is none of your business! It's not my fault that you don't have a boyfriend to kiss, so stop being jealous!" She whisper-yelled and smirked at me while her boyfriend was too busy staring at me.

"Listen here loser, I couldn't care less about what you two are doing. For all I care you can fuck right here in the cinema but, please shut your fucking mouth and be quiet! I didn't pay to hear or see porn. I payed to watch the fucking movie! As for the jealousy part, why would I be jealous of someone at a lower level then me, please don't flatter yourself and thing that you are so important that I would be jealous of you." I whisper-yelled back at her. 

She was watching me with wide eyes and clearly was speechless. I was going to say more but, I felt the lips that I know so well and love so much brush against my ear.

"Babe, calm down. It's not worth it. Let's watch the movie and enjoy ourselves, alright?" Alex whispered in my ear in a soothing manner and smiled gently at me.

When I looked into his beautiful brown eyes I instantly calmed down. He always has this effect on me. I nodded and turned back facing the big screen where the movie was rolling. He took my hand in his while I rested my head on his shoulder.


"That movie was really nice. I am glad we decided to watch that one." Alex said with a bright smile on his face.

"Yeah, it was a really nice movie. Well, except the interruption." I say in a playful manner. I actually really enjoyed the movie, also those two surprisingly kept quiet for the rest of the movie.

He chuckled, the beautiful sound filling my ears like music itself. My stomach got filled with butterflies but honestly, ever since I met him, those butterflies won't stop flying. Even so, I am not complaining.

We were walking toward our favorite dinner to eat, holding hands and were in a really good mood.

But it all stopped when I saw the person I was supposed to love the most yet I hate so much. Suddenly all the butterflies from my stomach disappeared and my mood darkened, all because of one person.

Alex looked at me confused. He knew about this person but, didn't knew how this person looked.

"Jessica?!" She said with mixed emotion. There she was. A few feet away from us, staring at us shamelessly.

"Mom?!" I spitted out with hatred dripping from my mouth.

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