2 (Five Plains)

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"So..." The woman looked at her computer monitor fixed onto her desk. Pens and pencils were placed in a cup, as well as several papers neatly stacked in front of her. "How are you holding up after your horrible car accident?" She asked, her eyes glued to the screen.

"Not well." I confessed. "I just want to be back home." My eyes started to tearing up again, but I fought them. No way was I crying in here.

The woman whipped her head to look at me. Her eyes were a deep sea green and her hair was blonde and in a bun, she wore glasses to top the look off.

"That happens to a lot of souls. Eventually that want will go away. Stay strong." She closed her eyes for a moment.

"Thanks, I guess." I mumbled under my breath.

She opened them up again and smiled. "Now for the hard part. We are going to review your past and see where you belong."

"Wait... Belong? Like in heaven or hell?" I asked, I was confused. Even more confused then I had been in the waiting room.

"Yes, in a way." She paused, as if choosing her next words carefully. "There are five plains of existence. Heaven, where souls that have achieved their place go. Hell, where souls who commit unthinkable acts go. Limbo, where lost souls stay. Earth, where rabid souls go, and finally Paradise, where angel souls go. Right now we are in Limbo." She smiled again.

I tried to wrap my head around the situation. I'm a lost soul... I thought to myself. "So... what determines if I, for example, go to either of the five places?"

"What deeds you've done through out your life time. I am guess that you will most likely stay here, waiting... forever. If that means anything." She turned back to her computer. I tried not to think about what she had said but I found it hard not to.

"Are you an angel? Like in the bible?" I asked again.

She paused, her eyes still on the screen. She swallowed and then turned to me. "Yes... and no. I'm a worker angel. My job is to sort souls into the different places... but enough about me, let's watch." She pointed across the room to a screen the size of a wall.

A video of me walking down the street played. I walked by a dog who was covered in mud and cold. I didn't remember that day. Strange. I looked around four years old. The dog leaned towards me and I touched it, gentle and kindly. My mother grabbed my hand away and shooed the dog. She starts rubbing my hand on her skirt to clean it off.

"Ahh, yes. Showing love to a creature in need. I suppose that's good." She dragged the mouse and clicked the right mouse button.

The video changed, to when I was in grade six. I was sitting in a hallway with my two best friends, Holly and Evan. I was laughing and eating a sandwich. A new person showed up next to us. A chubby girl with a red face appeared, Cindy. She asked if she could sit with us. Holly started laughing and calling the poor girl fat. I started laughing too, and Evan joined in. Soon a whole group of children started chanting Chubby Cindy. She ran away crying.

The woman angel thing started tsking. "Making fun of a person in need... that's pretty bad."

"I was twelve! All kids do that!" I protested, not wanting to appear horrible. I was a nice person... Or were you? A small voice in the back of a my head whispered. Maybe you're better off dead.

"Shush, not complaints. Just watch the screen." She said calmly. I grumbled and dug myself deeper into the chair.

A few more clips played, including my first kiss with Evan. I blushed and then almost began to cry remembering the memory and how I had left him.

After the 'movie' of all the good, bad, random, and normal things that I've done with my life the woman sighed.

"Okay, now that that's over... let's see what the higher ups say." She stared at the computer intently. A ding sounded, her eyes lighting up. "Oh!" She smiled at me again. "Guess what?"

"What?" I replied sourly, both humiliated and contemplating whether my life mean't anything.

"I was right! You're staying right here in Limbo! Oh, I'm getting good." She smiled to herself, feeling proud.

"Great." I replied. My heart both heavy with ache and anger. "When do I start?" I added sarcastically.

"Just walk right out that door, go down the hallway. Turn right, and then go down yet another hallway, eventually leading to a door. Exit the door and sit in your previous seat. It will be there a short time before moving again, so be quick about it." She smiled. "Once you sit down, to make it easier on you, your mind will be erased." She said matter of fact. "Oh, and have fun!" She waved as I got up and exited the room.

I continued down the long hallway, kicking the ground as I went. "What does it take to go to heaven? curing cancer?! Funding a hospital?!" I was slowly getting angrier. My cheeks turned hot as I cursed all the angels and god and Limbo.

Suddenly, paranoid, I heard foot steps. They were quiet, not wanting to be heard. I spun around. No one was beside me. "Hello?" I cautiously called.

No answer.

I continued along my way, when the foot steps started up again. I spun around again, this time faster, and there he was. A man in his twenties, dressed in a leather jacket, his hair styled to the side.

He smiled once I looked at him. He gestured to come closer. I stepped a few steps forward.

"Why are you stalking me?" I asked angrily, I as having a rough day as it was.

He smile grew wider. "Because, you're like me. Cursed to this awful place, forever waiting." He bit his lip, turning away. "I don't want to be here. I want to be home. Home with my dog and bike." He turned to me again, smile gone. "I can tell you know what I'm feeling."

I was just like him. Wanting to get back into my old life. Not this creepy white cream colored prison for 'lost souls'.

After some time I answered. "What's it to you?" I asked. I still didn't 100% trust this guy.

"Well, here's the good news. There's a way out." He whispered fiendishly, a smile on his lips.

I straightened my dress out. "A way out?" I repeated. "How? Where?" I whispered back aggressively.

"Right at the end of the hall this way. The only problem is I need two souls to open it. I'm one, and you're two." He smiled again, pointing at himself and then me. "Easy as pie."

"How don't the angels no about it? Wouldn't they shut it down?" I said, my eyes narrowing. I was calling bull.

"Because... I've hidden it." He replied. He started to go down the hall, beckoning me over.

I stayed still. My mind flashing to all the poor people who were waiting, waiting for something that would never come. I may have been a horrible person according to the angels, but I wasn't heartless.

"I'll help, but on one condition."I crossed my arms over my chest. "I get to bring my friends."

He laughed. "Friends? No one here is your friend, not even me." He grinned.

"Well, I so happen to be a people person, or a souls soul... I have friends and I'm going to bring them." I kept my arms crossed and stared into the mans eyes. They were brown, almost black.

He sighed, noting my determination. "You're a real brat, you know that?"

My cheeks burned. "So I've been told." I replied. Turning I walked towards the doors leading to the waiting room.

"I'll be right here, doing the very thing I didn't want to do!" He called after me. "So don't take to long, and only bring like one soul back! One!"

R.I.P (Rest In Peace) **BOOK HAS BEEN REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now