R.I.P (Rest In Peace)

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~All of these characters are original. Copyright (c) POTaTOS_XD 2014~

Up to my all timely death, my life had been great. I had almost finished high school and had gotten accepted into my dream university. I had two loving parents, a big sister who adored me, friends who would follow me to the ends of the earth, and the best boyfriend in existence. My life had been great, more than great, perfect, but the key word here is had. I was dead, and there was nothing I could do about it.

It was a Friday night, only a few hours before my prom. Evan was supposed to pick me up in his truck. Some technical difficulties with his mechanic had stopped that from happening. So I had to walk, I was going to be late either way. He asked if I wanted him to walk with me, considering I was a girl, and I had a pretty dress on, but I told him "I'll be fine."

It's funny. How I could say something so simple and reassuring when in the end it didn't count for anything?

Evan had laughed on the other end of the phone, "okay, stay safe! Love you"

"I will, love you too."

I think that's what I regret most. Leaving Evan that way. I walked across my road leading into a park. That park was nice, no complaints there, but as soon as I hit the stretch of highway leading into the city did I suffer.

I stepped on the road, careful to look both way before crossing. I was almost half way when the car came speeding down the road. I didn't hear it, it had one of those sound mufflers and the lights were turned off. I saw the car a split second before I was hit by it.

My life flashed before my eyes, ever since I took my first step to my first kiss. It was... Weird. It was a sensation I can't explain. I was in and out of consciousness. Dying...

The driver had gotten out of the car, he was swearing. "Shit, shit, shit... I'm going to get fined for this!" He grabbed my frail body. "Wake up, wake up! Ugh!" My eyes fluttered open, my vision fuzzy. His face was streaked with blood, my blood. And so were his hands.

I couldn't feel my body, and I began to close my eyes. Darkness surrounded me, and strangely enough, my last thought was:

Crap, this dress was expensive.


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R.I.P (Rest In Peace) **BOOK HAS BEEN REWRITTEN**Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin