6 (Revolution)

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After the film was over I looked at Ted.

"What was that?" I asked, pointing to the sheet. All the lights were turned on again, and Nick  snickered loudly.

"The truth, explained in a kid friendly, family fun, and amusing video!" He said, clapping his hands together. He smiled wide.

"Wait. I'm confused. There's a heaven and a hell? All I got to experience was a stupid chair!" Georgia said, her voice rising.

"I didn't tell you, did I..." I said remembering my promise. I said I would tell her later, and I guess this counted as later.

She crossed her arms, waiting for my explanation.

"Your name is called as soon as you get to Limbo, I'm guessing there are many offices to hold all the new souls. Once you arrive to the office, a worker 'angel' tells you were you could potentially go. They then show you an embarrassing video about your whole life, in no particular order. They then tell you were you belong and send you back to your seat." I took a breath, talking way too fast. "The angel that I got said once you sat on the chair, they would erase your memories all the way up to that point. I didn't sit back down, so I remember everything."

Ted looked at me puzzled. "They do that? The chairs I mean."

"That's what the angel said." I responded, my gaze turning to Jacob, who was dealing quite well with the whole ordeal.

"Are they really angels?" He asked quietly. "Or is that a lie too?"

"No one knows for certain... The heaven thing took us a long time to piece together." Ted said sadly, his spirit he possessed before was fading.

"How did you figure out heaven was a lie?" I asked, wanting more answers.

"Well.. we have an insider." He whispered in response.

The dead guy standing next to him slapped him over the head. "Hey! Don't tell them everything!"

"Sorry Nick... I just like to talk a lot." Ted said sheepishly, he turned to us again.

"That's why they shouldn't given you the job." Nick said bluntly.

Ted shied away. It was clear that this job mean't a lot to him, and that Nick's words hurt him.

"Well, better introduce you to the boss. She doesn't like it when newbies are uneducated." He smiled again, all of his hurt flushing away. I took the opportunity to wonder why his nickname was Cookie.

"She?" Jacob asked, his eyes wide, as if the idea of a female leading anything was horrifying.

"Yes. The boss is she, now c'mon!" Ted rushed down another hallway, stopping as he waited for us. "We haven't got all day!"


The boss's room was neat, neat to the point where there was nothing in it except a desk, two chairs and an old computer.

Ted had left us with her, leaving us to decide who would sit down. Jacob snatched a seat, and I gave Georgia the last one.

The woman had blonde hair, and a suit on. Her eyes were a dark brown, almost black. She smiled when she saw us.

"Hello... I am Hannah, the big bad boss of the TSU. I assume you watched the video." She said introducing herself.

We all nodded awkwardly, waiting for her to say something else, but I guess she wanted us to respond.

"I'm Kaitlin. The boy's Jacob and that's Georgia..." I finally said, hoping to break the awkward tension afraid I only made it worse.

She continued to look at us with heavy judgement. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, which put me on edge.

After what seemed like twelve awkward dates later she finally spoke.

"So. are you going to join the cause?" She was serious.

"Um... do we really have a choice?" I asked rhetorically, looking around the room.

"No. You really don't." She answered, her response ice cold. She looked at me and my new friends.

"I guess we have no reason not to then." Georgia pipped up, smiling at the woman. "Sign me up!"

"Me too." Jacob murmured from the other seat. He looked sad, his face still covered in chocolate. Was he always going to stay like that?

The woman turned to face me, she held a smug expression. "What about you?" She asked.

I felt the attention on me and began to panic. Did I want to join a revolution? All I wanted to do was see my family again, and Evan... I didn't expect to dragged into this. But at the same time I wanted answers. To help other souls like me, wondering around pointlessly and confused. I wanted justice.

I gathered strength from my friends smiles and nodded.

"You bet I'm joining."


Fact of the day:

Have you ever really looked at your eyes? Did you see the tiny people operating your brain? Did you see their terrified expressions mimicking your own face? 

R.I.P (Rest In Peace) **BOOK HAS BEEN REWRITTEN**Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora