7 (Possibilities)

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For the next couple of months Georgia, Jacob, and I were debriefed on what exactly was going to happen. What the ghost's planned on doing what destroying limbo from the inside. Limbo, as Ted put it, was the heart of the whole operation. If we ceased control of that, then we had control over everything.

It turned out that the revolution was staging all over the world. Apparently this was one of bases.

When I asked about how the souls could interact with the workstations and pens in this room Ted simply stated that Hannah had found a way. He didn't know how it worked in other places he later added.

"There's just one problem." Ted confessed as we were all crowded over a large table. There had to be at least fifty dead people, and this was just the newest fighters. "The angels are starting to get on to us. The most recent breakouts have been unsuccessful. That's why we need fresh faces to get out there and help!"

Hannah continued to oversee most of the preparations. Many times she took me aside and commented on my good work ethic. Ted told me this was a good thing, and that the boss liked me. I shrugged it off and focused on getting a role up front. I wanted to do as much as possible to stop souls from being mistreated.

The plan started out with a few souls going through the portal and assuming themselves in Limbo. Along the way they would bring the portal trigger, which was a key or some sort.

Once they caught souls leaving the video rooms they would coax them into exiting.

It seemed easy enough, simple and fast.

We also were introduced to all the souls at that particular base of operations, even Trevor. Only a few people stood out for me.

There was Beth, a long haired girl with a piece of her face missing. I didn't bother to ask what happened to her, it seemed insensitive. She had joined the revolution to find her grandmother.

There was also Max, an eight year old who died of a flu. I was fond Max partly because of his ability to see the bright side of everything, even death.

One thing was certain throughout the entire process, these people weren't messing around. Every spare minute was spend working for the cause, which didn't bother me that much. What else was there to do when you were dead other then sulk around and scare teenagers?

After a long shift of planning and redesigning escape routes I decided to take a break. I needed some time to myself.

"Okay! But remember, once you come back you have to make up the work you missed!" Ted told me as I walked out the door to the main lobby. I pushed the giant wooden doors as I exited.

"Sure thing!" I shouted back.

It was a particularly windy night when I sat down outside of the mansion. I couldn't feel the wind on my skin, but I saw how the grass moved and the trees bobbed. I sighed as I thought about what it was like to feel things other than difficult emotions to deal with.

Suddenly a dark figure was beside me.

"Hey prom queen, whaddya doing out here all by yourself?" It was Trevor, I recognized his strange accent that vaguely reminded me of a greaser.

"Oh nothing, just thinking about days gone by." I answered honestly. There was no sense lying in a situation like this, heck maybe he had some advice to offer me.

"That's the worst thing you could do right now." Trevor made himself comfortable next to me on the steps. "Much like the living getting over their loved ones death, you have to get over it as well."

I looked over at him. He was fiddling with a comb in his left hand as he stared at the sky.

"That makes zero sense." I responded bluntly. He returned his gaze to me and pursed his lips, pocketing his pencil.

"You gotta get over your death. It's part of the process." He looked away for a moment, as if distracted. "If you let all of your emotions control you during this time, it isn't going to end well." He took a pause. "Ever wonder what feral souls are?" He asked me.

"No, not really. I just imagined them as the ghosts from scary movies." I shrugged my shoulders. Trevor didn't look impressed.

"Feral souls are ghosts who loose themselves, and get corrupted. The most common cause is negative emotions. Many of them are angry, blood thirsty monsters." I began to wonder, I was having an awful lot of negative thoughts, could I wind up a directionless monster? Suddenly my mind filled with worry.

Trevor seemed to notice my uneasiness. He cracked a reassuring smile. "But hey! Don't worry about it. Usually it's souls who are isolated." I looked away embarrassed.

Then an idea popped into my head. I wondered if it was possible for it to even happen. I didn't even know what year it was let alone if I was anywhere near... I stopped myself, now was not the time to dwell on the past, but there was still a seed of curiosity in the back of my mind.

I cleared my throat. "Is there anyway, that um..." I paused, looking around awkwardly. "That I could see somebody." I asked Trevor.

He took a moment to understand my question. "Who?" He asked back at me.

"Somebody from my... past." I took a deep breath, preparing for the worst possible case scenario.

Instead of a stern no and an eye roll, as I expected, Trevor just laughed.

I was puzzled. This was the first time I had heard Trevor laugh since I met him, and it wasn't even a funny comment or joke.

After Trevor had ceased laughing he glanced at me. "Sure, to hell with it." He responded wiping a tear out of his eye. "What's their name?"

I thought about the answer carefully. There was one person I wanted to talk to more than anyone, as selfish as it was.

"His name is Evan."


R.I.P (Rest In Peace) **BOOK HAS BEEN REWRITTEN**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora