10 (Traitor)

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Ted was waiting for me once I reached the bottom of the stairs from the foyer.

"Have a nice walk?" He asked, his smile making him that much friendlier. "We here at T.S.U understand that it is difficult to adjust to your newly dead- I mean, unliving state." He smiled apologetically. "So we understand if you need some time to yourself!"

I looked around the room, some souls were milling about. I couldn't find Jacob or Georgia. My heart fell a little bit.

"Is there something you want to talk to me about?" Ted asked nicely, his eyes filled with concern. "You seem... distressed for lack of a better word."

"I'm, I'm fine. Just tired." I responded as I walked forward, towards a work station.

"But we don't need to sleep-" Ted was cut off abruptly by Hannah walking out of her office and heading towards me.

I had no energy to deal with what ever Hannah was going to talk to me about and I began to walk away.

She caught my arm and spun me around to look at her. She wasn't happy, that was for sure.

"Have you seen Trevor?" She asked sternly.

I was taken aback by the question. She seemed worried and angry, Trevor must've been a pretty important asset to the revolution.

"Just a while ago actually. Why do you ask?" I answered hazardously. She seemed upset about something.

"What did he do?" She asked me, this question was filled with more force. Her eyes flicked back and forth.

"Well, he dumped me at this stupid grave yard and now everyone hates me." I responded.

"where is he?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"I have no idea. He dropped me off-" I began to explain, dropping my attitude in the process, but she cut me off.

"I know you're lying." She retorted back at me, holding my gaze.

"Hannah, maybe you should be so-" ted began to interrupt, hoping to get Hannah off of my back.

"Stay out of this Theodore." Hannah command. Her hand flung out and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me into her office.

Her actions filled me with a sense of guilt, even though I did nothing wrong. At least I didn't think I did anything wrong.

She pulled me into her office, as Ted struggled to get a word in edgewise. Hannah wasn't having any of it.

When we finally reached her office she slammed the door angrily. Her face was twisted with rage. She closed the curtains hanging on the front window with one fail swoop.

When she turned back to me she was no longer angry.

I stared at her in shock and disbelief. My day was just getting more and more complicated by the minute. I just wanted a moment to myself, just one full hour or two.

Hannah looked around nervously, locking the office door. I stood there awkwardly.

The office was messy, photos and documents spread across the surface of the desk. Her computer was shifted to the side. Papers hung on the walls connected with taunt red string hung on tacks.

We didn't speak right away, we stayed there looking at each other.

"I'm sorry." Hannah said, brushing a loose hair behind her ear. "For making a big scene. It looked like it really effected you."

"It's, no its okay." I paused before speaking again, gathering my words. "What was that about anyway? You don't actually think I'm a liar right?"

"No, I don't think your a liar." She bit her lip, looking around again. "But there is a reason I brought you in here." She confessed. Looking around once more she spoke quietly. "I suspect that there's a traitor in the building."

My eyes widened. My mind flicked back to all of the people that I'd met here. Max, Beth, Ted, even Nick the film guy. Then a horrifying thought occurred to me; Jacob and Georgia, could one of them be the traitor?

Hannah could see my distress and put a hand on my shoulder. Her eyes staring into mine, calming me down.

"There's no need to worry, not yet anyway." She said trying to reassure me.

"How did you," I took a breath. "Figure out that there was a mole?" I asked her.

"Well, the past couple of soul break outs have been unsuccessful. The angels some how knew where we were going to be. That may be my paranoia, but I suspect foul play." She said, placing a finger on her chin.

"Do you have anyone in mind?" I asked cautiously not wanting to hear the answer.

"I do suspect a few people." Hannah confessed. "But don't go spreading the rumor around." She said sternly.

"I promise." I said, standing up taller and nodding my head.

"For now I will keep their identity secret, to make things easier for you." She unlocked the office door carefully. "I do want to ask something of you." She added, almost by accident.

I raised an eyebrow, tugging on my dress. "Sure..." I responded.

"Could you keep an eye out for anything suspicious? You're one of my best new workers here, and I'd really appreciate your help with this." She smiled hopefully.

I thought about everything that had happened today alone. "Of course." I blurted out. At least it would keep my occupied.

Hannah let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. I didn't think you would want to help me after I made you look bad." She confessed. She then gestured to the door. "You may leave. Thank you for your time."

I turned towards the door but stopped. "Why did you ask me about Trevor? Is he not around?"

Hannah frowned. "He's gone missing. Sometimes he wanders off but I don't know about it this time. You said he dropped you off at a graveyard? Why did he do that?" She asked.

I could feel the blush on my cheeks. "I asked him to... to see someone." I answered honestly.

She raised an eyebrow but said nothing about it. "I also needed an excuse to make it seem like I was angry at you." She laughed. "If everyone thinks you're on my bad side they won't suspect you helping me."

I nodded at her as I left for the door. She dramatically opened it and pushed me out. She winked at me as I looked back, and shut the door tightly behind me.

I was greeted by a sea of faces. All of their eyes were wide, waiting for me to say something. Ted hovered near me, worry displayed on his face.

I shrugged my shoulders. Every one seemed okay with this and slowly got back to work. I headed towards Ted.

"It was all a misunderstanding." I explained to him as he was about to say something.

He sucked his front teeth anxiously. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to worry about me. It all worked out in the end." I told him. He seemed placated by this and nodded.

I left him and headed back upstairs. It was clear I wasn't going to get any quiet time down there. It was also clear that I had important work to do, and there was no room for error.


☆☆☆ Sorry for updating late, I've been pretty busy with school. I hope all of you have a wonderful day/night/afternoon! ☆☆☆

R.I.P (Rest In Peace) **BOOK HAS BEEN REWRITTEN**Where stories live. Discover now