Chapter 8

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(Nikki's POV)

I start blushing. Max has never really said he wanted to go on an adventure before. I'm usually the one to say that. He really has changed aside from being occasionally cynical and up to his usual schemes. This should be great.

(Max's POV) 

Nikki looks pretty cute when she blushes. I guess my sentence surprised her. I smirk a little and start the car and then we're off. It's a 20 minute drive to the city, so it won't take that long. I turn on the radio so the car isn't filled with silence. Nikki starts to switch through the stations and stops on "Everytime we Touch" and starts singing the lyrics quietly, although I can still hear. I glance over and I can also see her... blushing? And smiling? She notices I'm looking at her and flusters and stops with a look of embarrassment on her face. "You have a pretty voice" I comment. She looks even more flustered. "Um.. t-thanks.. I don't really sing that much" she replies. "Well, you should do it more" she smiles and looks out the window. I focus on the road again and I can still hear Nikki quietly humming the song.

Once we reach the city, we go to the city park with a giant fountain in the middle. There aren't many people there. Nikki quickly jumps out of the car and runs to the fountain. "Race you to that fountain!" she shouts playfully. She still has that little camper inside her. I chase after her but she gets to the fountain first. "I win!" she says triumphantly. "Yeah no shit, you had a head start" I respond. She giggles. "So what do you wanna do now?" I ask. "Hmmm, I wanna climb that giant tree over there" Nikki says with a small gleam of childhood  in her eyes and runs over to the giant tree and immediately starts climbing it. How does that girl climb trees so easily? She's already about 8 feet up! She laughs as she clings to one of the branches. Suddenly, a squirrel appears in front of her. "Squirrel!" she shouts. The squirrel makes a loud high pitched squeak which startles Nikki causing her to lose her grip on the tree. "Nikki!!" I run over to where she is and catch her bridal style. "Wow, thanks for catching me Max" Nikki says with a hint of blush on her face. "Yeah no problem, you should be more careful climbing trees or you're gonna hurt yourself " I lightly scold her. "Alright alright, I'm fine anyways, just a couple scratches that's all" she replies showing me her arms which have little scratches on them. "Okay then, let's go somewhere else" I say and take her hand and walk towards the city. 

As we're walking around Nikki spots a candy store and asks if we can go inside and I say yes. When we enter the sweet smell of sugar fills my nose. Nikki looks at some of the candy and buys some sour powder candy (her favorite). Afterwards we look in a few more stores and I buy some new jeans. Afterwards we decide to go to the city aquarium. Once we've paid, we walk into a Pacific Ocean exhibit. There are giant tanks lining the walls with hundreds of fish swimming around in them. I look over at Nikki and see her look of amazement at the fish. "Have you ever been to an aquarium before?" I ask. "No, my mom never took me, not even when she married my stepdad" Nikki responds without taking her eyes off the fish. "Huh, me neither" I say. She looks at me and smiles. "Guess it's our first time going to an aquarium" she says. "Heh, yeah" I reply. Soon we walk into a hall which is basically a giant tank full of colorful fish and some sharks. Nikki's eyes widen and glitter with wonder. Her eyes look beautiful when they're like that. We walk into a freshwater exhibit and see a tank with two otters in it. One is racing around in the water and the other is relaxing on a rock. "That seems like you" Nikki says giggling while pointing to the otter on the rock. "Well that one seems like you" I respond pointing to the one that's twisting and twirling in the water. "Ha, yeah, they're like the two of us" Nikki says. "Yeah, I guess they are". 

Once we're done, we go to the gift shop and look around for a little bit. I spot some otter plushes and I remember what Nikki had said, "They're just like the two of us". I know what to get Nikki for her birthday now. It may seem a bit lame, but I think Nikki would like it. I buy it and stuff the plush into the bag where my jeans are without Nikki noticing. After that we walk to a coffee shop and get some drinks. Nikki gets a strawberry frappe and I get my usual black coffee. After we get our drinks, we walk back to the park and sit at one of the benches. It's rather peaceful here, I spot a group of kids climb the tree and scope out the area. It reminds me of camp when the three of us used to go on our adventures. I suddenly feel Nikki's head on my shoulder, so I put my arm around her. Damn, I should probably see what the time is so I'll be back at my dorm when Neil gets back. I feel around in my pocket for my phone, but there is no phone. SHIT! Have I left it in the car this whole time? Dammit Dammit Dammit. "Hey Nikki, I have to go get something from the car, I'll be right back okay?" "Oh, ok Max" she replies with a slight hint of disappointment. I walk to the car which is about two minutes away from the bench to grab my phone. I open the door and see my phone in the cupholder. There the damn thing is. I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. 

I turn around and see Sasha. This is fucking wonderful. "Hey Max, what are you doing here?" she asks. "I could ask you the same question " I retort. "Oh, I just came here to go shopping all by myself" She says batting her eyelashes. Good god this girl has a crush on me. "Well, I need to go, so-" "Oh no problem, you can just walk with me instead" She says seductively. "Um no thanks" I respond. " Don't worry, you can trust me Max" she says winking at me. "I highly doubt that" I say. "you know, you're really cute when you deny things" Sasha says. She gets closer to me, putting her pointer finger under my chin. Before I can say anything else, her lips smash onto mine. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot teal. It's Nikki.



henlo I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in a while so I hope you enjoyed this extra long chapter. I might try making longer chapters in the future we'll see ('-')

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