Chapter 9 ~ The Fakes

Start from the beginning

   Shadow stood there for a moment, perfectly still. His body swayed slightly, then collapsed. A hole was in his forehead.

   I slowly push my body up, in pain and shock, stunned I just killed him so easily. It couldn't be that simple, right? That's Shadow! He can't just die from something like that, right?! I couldn't have just killed him!

   Shadow's body glitched, flickered and disappeared. What? That didn't make sense. My eyes stay fixated on where this happened, trying to piece what just happened into a logical answer.

   Does that mean it wasn't him? Is he an illusion? No, it can't be that simple, he took an actual bullet. He was able to hurt and kill. Where is the real Shadow? Knuckles needs to hear about this, now.

   "H-hey...? Are you still there?" a weak, trembling voice calls through the silence.

   Ah, hell, I think. I forgot about him. I collect my guns, reloaded them and then walked weakly back towards the young wolf boy. I clutch my stomach, the pain worse every time I twisted my body.

   I kneel beside him, patting his shoulder. He looked at me, squinting and blinking. "I can barely see. Can you, uh, get my glasses?" he asked nicely.

   I scan around through the gravel, luckily, they weren't too far. The lenses were cracked, but they were still in one piece. I placed the glasses in the wolf's hand. The boy put them on, looking me up and down with much more awareness. Then his gaze moved to look around us. His eyes widen as he saw the bodies.

   All I could think about was that his team was gone, just like mine.

   The soldier's eyes began to water. I didn't know what to do for him. Leave him alone? Comfort him? No, he doesn't know me, I'm not what he needs. I must know my place.

   I back away from him, leaving to search the casualties for survivors. I placed two fingers over their necks as I move my ear close to their faces to listen for breathing. I checked nine out of ten, all gone. On to the tenth. It was a German Shepard.

   I knelt beside him, listening as my fingers felt for a pulse. I felt a heartbeat. It was slow and weak. I sighed in relief. Then it stops. Nothing. I wait a few more seconds, making sure I didn't misread.


   I quickly flatten the recently deceased on their back then place my hands over his chest. My elbows were locked, I pressed down on his chest. After thirty compressions, I hesitantly blew twice into his mouth, then continued CPR.

   "Felix?" a voice asked. I quickly glanced over to my side. The wolf. He crawled over on his stomach, staring at the person I was trying to revive.

   "Please don't do this to me, buddy," he begged, a tear falling down his face. He looked up at me, eyes pleading.

   Once I begun cycle four, the dog gasped for air. I backed away, slightly grossed out, but still relieved. I lay on my back, catching my breath. The CPR wouldn't have taken so much energy out of me in normal scenarios, but my injury caused me more pain and agony. It hurt to breathe.

   I just brought someone back from the dead, I think to myself.

   Just in time, the pain in my abdomen had begun to overwhelm me. The adrenaline had worn off, now the hits I took are starting to sink in.

   The wolf whimpers as he held his comrade in his arms. "You were dead!"

   Shadow, or whatever that thing was had left a mark. A giant, ugly bruise had already covered my stomach underneath my shirt. I lightly pressed my fingers to it. Other than just pain, nothing. Possibly a cracked rib. But you can't do much about that, not now. You can only hope the bone is in one piece.

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