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Shayne and Courtney are lying down in the back of the van. The sun is slowly warming up the metal they're lying on.
Olivia is sitting on the sidewalk, next to the van.
Noah is still sitting in front. He keeps checking his mirrors in hopes of seeing Keith on his way back. ''Guys, he's been gone for a while now. Maybe we should check in on him?''
Shayne sits up straight. ''You're right,''
''I'm going to the store,'' Noah says determined. As he opens the door he hears a familiar voice, screaming.
The other members look up at the direction Keith went.
Noah looks in the mirror to see Keith sprinting around the corner, a few streets away. His heart starts pumping. What's Keith doing?
''Crap!'' Shayne says out loud as he sees a group of like seven zombies sprint around the same corner Keith just ran by.
Olivia quickly rushes back into the van.
''Noah, get behind the wheel. We're gonna have to make a quick escape,'' Shayne tells as he sits in the van and holds the door open. ''Courtney, hold open that other door. The moment Keith is inside the van we need to slam it.''
Courtney nods with a slight panic on her face.
Keith is sprinting for his life. He's running straight for the van. The zombies are keeping pace with him though.
''Damn it,'' Noah says out of frustration.
''Start the car Noah,'' Shayne tells focused.
Noah hits the two wires together and the engine starts to make a rumbling sound. ''Okay, we're good,'' Noah tells.
''C'mon Keith,'' Olivia whispers.
Shayne has his eyes focused on Keith. Zombies are close behind him. It's just 30 more yards to the van. He's gonna do it. He's the fastest Smosh member. 20 more yards. He's gonna do it. He's got to do it. He's-
''He's not gonna make it,'' Shayne whispers with the greatest disappointment. He pushes Courtney out of the way and grabs both the doors. As he closes them he sees Keith get tackled by zombies, just 5 yards away from the van.
''No! What the hell!'' Courtney yells at Shayne.
Olivia holds her hand in front of her mouth as tears roll down her face.
''Noah drive!'' Shayne yells in a demanding way.
Noah looks back at his three friends in the back of the van. Olivia and Courtney are crying. Shayne's sitting beaten on the ground.
''Go!'' Shayne says with a raspy voice.
Noah puts his foot on the gas pedal, a tear rolling down his face. He hears the faint screaming of Keith as he drives away.

After driving for a couple minutes Noah parks the car on a piece of grass on the side of the road. No zombies have followed the van. The back door gets swung open and Shayne gets pushed out.
''What the hell was that!'' Courtney yells  as she jumps out the back of the van. She angrily steps towards Shayne.
''Keith wasn't going to make it, I had to do something,'' Shayne tells as he looks in agony at his now bruised elbow.
Noah steps out the car and sits on the grass, his face buried in his hands as he cries.
Olivia lays down in the van, sobbing softly.
''You don't know if he was gonna make it!'' Courtney yells, a fierce look in her eyes. ''He might have been able to make it into the van if you didn't slam the door in his face!''
''I wish I could've done more but I can't do anything about that many zombies,'' Shayne says, a little tear forming in his eye.
''Bullshit! You killed him,'' Courtney says angrily as tears start rolling down her cheeks.
Shayne sighs before wiping his eyes with his arm. ''Courtney I don't like what I did but I had to do it. Keith got tackled. We were never going to fight off all those zombies.''
''I could've used my ability to stop them,''
''And send Keith flying? There was nothing we could do. I had to make a decision,'' Shayne tells.
''A small sarcastic grin escapes Courtney's mouth. ''But that's always the thing, right? You always feel like YOU have to make a decision,'' Courtney says as she stands up.
''Well nobody else did anything,'' Shayne says in defense. He stands up as well.
''This was never your decision to make!'' Courtney yells loudly.
''Then what would you have wanted me to do? Nothing? Watch those zombies take down Keith before they get into our van and kill all of us?'' Shayne yells annoyed.
Courtney angrily looks away.
''I'm sick and tired of having to be the one to take the big decisions. I didn't want to close those doors. I didn't want to leave Keith. But I had to do so to protect you. To protect us,'' Shayne tells.
''You're always talking about how you want to protect us. How you want to protect me. I don't want you to protect me if it means that other people will lose their life for it,'' Courtney tells with a raspy voice.
Shayne looks disappointed by her words. He glances at Noah and Olivia before looking back at Courtney. ''Alright, then I guess you won't need me anymore.''
Courtney keeps a straight face as she sees Shayne turn around and walk away. She keeps looking until he's nothing but a dot in the distance anymore. Her outside looks tough as she is standing there, watching him, but on the inside she can feel herself crumbling apart. What has she done?

Author's note:
Hello people. Sorry for the short chapter but I'm currently working on another book idea. I don't want to spoil what it's about yet but it's going to be a Shourtney fanfiction so stay tuned for that!

Have you guys heard the new song 'Levitate' from Twenty One Pilots? It's sick!

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