The Red Ninja

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Your POV

"How does Damien read his own handwriting?" you ask, irritated. All that was in the room was a bunch of handwritten papers. None of it was organized, all of it was illegible. You start to feel bad for Damien's teachers from when he was growing up, having to grade assignments that looked like this.

"How is Damien getting even more on my nerves?" Kai asks.

"There is nothing helpful here!"

"Maybe Zane can read it, since he's a computer and all?" Kai suggests. "Let's grab lots and get out of here."

You nod and start grabbing as many papers as you can. "Zane, let's get out of here!" you shout up at the ceiling as you and Kai head to the massive hole in the ceiling. Zane opens a portal underneath the hole and you jump in with Kai. Immediately, you wish you have something more solid to hold onto than just a crap ton of papers. Something like Kai's hand.

Before you can lament for too long, you and Kai land inside a building. The interior is wooden and has an old kung foo movie type of vibe going on. A second later, the rest of the Ninja are standing next to you and Kai. You hear footsteps approaching the six of you. You and the Ninja get into defensive stances. Someone walks through the beads in the doorway. "Hey, it's been so long! How are you guys?" a guy wearing brown asks.

"Oh, it's just you Dareth," Kai says as he relaxes.

"What have you guys been up to?" this guy, Dareth apparently, asks.

"Well, we were kind of trapped in another realm for months, except for you it would have been days," Jay Lloyd sums up.

"I'd be surprised but I've known you guys long enough to not be surprised by anything," Dareth admits. He looks at you. "I don't think we've met. I'm Dareth. The Ninja and I go way back. This used to be where they trained."

"I'm [Y/N]," you introduce yourself with a brief smile. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Is there anything you guys need help with?"

"You don't happen to know where the Destiny's Bounty is?" Cole asks.

"It was flying not far from here half an hour ago. So it's probably close," Dareth answers.

"It is close," Zane says, stressed. "I just got a distress signal from Sensei. Damien attacked them with several men."

"They're outnumbered," Kai says, worried. "We need to go help them. But first, can any of you read any of this?" you and Kai drop your papers onto the ground. Everyone picks up a page.

"Is this Damien's handwriting?" Cole asks. You nod

"This Damien guy cannot write legibly," Dareth adds.

"No he cannot," Lloyd agrees.

"I can read it," Zane answers. "It's research on elemental masters. Specifically, it's notes on awakening dormant powers."

"What does that mean?" you ask.

"Ask the five of us. None of us knew we had powers until Sensei told us. We needed something to help us unlock our powers. Four of us used the Golden Weapons. Lloyd's powers were unlocked when he was surrounded by all four of the Golden Weapons. Damien is trying to find out how to unlock someone's powers," Zane explains.

"That someone is probably me," you mutter. "Would explain sort of why Damien kidnapped me. So he wants to awaken my powers I didn't know about until now. Great. Why?"

"Think about it, if you're an elemental master you're powerful. Either Damien wants you on his side or he doesn't want you to be able to fight him. But I'd guess he wants you on his side if he's going through the trouble to unlock your powers," Kai answers.

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