The Blue Ninja

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Your POV

"Find anything?" you ask Jay.

"Nope, nothing. Honestly, none of this stuff makes any sense. And Damien has horrible handwriting." Jay answers from the other side of the room. "He has these notes everywhere and I can't read a word of it!"

"Yeah, same," you agree from your end of the room. You're squinting at some notebook paper before you give up on it. You pick up a heavy book and open it, using your leg to support it as you walk to a table to set it down on. The pages are printed, but: "Well, this is great. The one thing that's printed is in another language."

"Maybe Zane can read it," Jay says as he walks towards you. "Wait, hold up, what is this?" He backtracks and walks back to a table. "Come look at this."

You walk over to him, not knowing what to expect. You see a crystal in the shape of quartz on the table next to Jay. The crystal is glowing blue, except for a few extremely bright jagged lines of white. "What is that?" you ask as you keep walking to Jay. After a minute, you get close enough and the crystal changes colors. It starts glowing gold instead. "Wow."

"Wait, step back a bit," Jay says excitedly. You take a step back and the crystal returns to the blue and white color scheme. Jay steps back too and the crystal stops glowing and becomes colorless and transparent. Curious, you step forward. The crystal starts glowing a faint fuschia, some gold glittering in it as well.

"What does this mean?" you ask as you step back from the crystal.

"Maybe it's something like the crystals we saw before?" Jay asks.

You tilt your head in thought. "Makes sense, glowing crystal things that glow because of people with powers or something being connected makes sense. And they both glowed gold."

"So the colors specify what type of element or whatever it is?" you muse. "It glowed differently for the two of us. So maybe the colors and patterns for you said your element was lightning, and the colors for me said I was...something." You have no idea what element you could have.

"That makes sense," Jay says as he starts searching around the crystal. "Maybe there's something that can tell us what the colors mean."

You nod and start helping him search. You find a notebook and page through it. You had expected Damien's horrid handwriting, not papers taped in. The papers came from some book and were printed. You read what it says quickly. "I think this is it," you tell Jay. You turn the pages, looking for the colors you and Jay have. "Found it. Blue with white crack-like lines is lightning. Pale fuschia with gold sparkles is empathy. What do they mean by empathy?"

"I don't know. We better take that notebook and the crystal and show it to Misako. She might know what it is."

You nod. "Let's take this too," you say, pointing to the massive book in another language. "Maybe she can read it. I feel like it's important."

The two of you walk back to the whole in the ceiling. "We found some things, we need to get back to Ninjago!" Jay shouts to the Ninja above us. Zane takes the realm courier from his arm compartment and opens a portal.

The portal is at the edge of your feet, a deep blue whirlpool of energy. You anxiously grab Jay's hand. These portals have caused nothing but pain for you. Jay squeezes your hand reassuringly. You look at him and he smiles at you. You both jump through the portal, still holding hands. You freefall for a few seconds, holding onto Jay's hand tightly, using his hand to ground you. You close your eyes, not wanting to see the terrifying inside of a portal again. A second later, you're standing on solid ground.

You open your eyes and see you're on the Ninja's ship. A moment later, Kai, Zane, Cole, and Lloyd are behind you and Jay. You're standing on the deck of the ship and looking around. At the back of the ship is a higher floor. A door opens from up there and some people step out.

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