{Honey Bee} chapter 21

Start from the beginning

My eyes widened. "You talked to mom?" He must have mindlinked her. I could not mindlink yet since I was not sixteen and there were no phones in the black cloud . I had already tried looking for some, but they were nowhere to be seen.

"Yeah, just to check up on how everything was doing."

"Did she say anything about me?" I questioned eagerly, running my hands over the textured cover of my sketchbook.

"Oh yeah. How could I forget? I believe she mentioned something about making sure you practice your... flashcards? I told her she was crazy though. Who makes a child do homework when they're on a trip," He sighed, with his eyebrows furrowed. Small giggles released from my lips.

Even though it wasn't the response I  had hoped for, it was definitely a very "mom thing" to say. She must have secretly packed some flashcards about goddess knows what in my bag to study from. She always was big on education.

"Sorry," I mumbled guilty after a few moments. He pushed aside his work for me and took the time to thoroughly plan this trip. It wasn't  like I haven't been enjoying myself at all here. He must think I am ungrateful.

My dad turned to me with a confused expression etched on his face, but it quickly softened.

"You don't need to apologize for anything kiddo. I know," he said, lugging his hand over my shoulder and giving my arm a gentle rub. I leaned into him and rested my head on his chest as I  breathed in his musky scent. We hadn't done this in a while.

"How about we go for a run, huh?" My body froze before I bolted up right and looked into his eyes with a cheeky smile.

"I'll take that as yes then," he said, eyes crinkling at the sides. We hadn't ran together since a couple weeks ago. It felt like forever though.

I got up briskly ready to strip from my clothes when an unsettling feeling swelled in my stomach. My vision began to sway back and forth; the trees combining into a green and brown blur. I blinked rapidly trying to clear my sight, but it wasn't working. My legs shook slightly and  I knew I wouldn't be able to hold myself up for much longer. My dad's large brown wolf appeared from behind a tree and cocked his head at me, questioning me with his eyes. I couldn't even respond before my legs finally gave out on me and I crashed onto the ground.


My brain pounded against my skull in a rigorous motion. My temples twitch in pain. I am rested on something soft, cushiony, and small. My feet are dangling off whatever I am on. A sharp stench of bleach and chemicals infiltrate my nose causing me to scrunch my face together.

Gradually, I force my heavy eyelids apart and see a blinding whiteness. Blinking rapidly, my eyes slowly adjust and the white, but the vast movement causes a wave of pressure against my skull. I attempt to put my hands up to consol my aching head, yet I am unable to.

I peer down and a frown formed on my lips. Long black straps stretch across my body on the little bed I seem to be lying on. I shake slightly in a feeble attempt to get out of the straps, but of course it doesn't work. What the hell? Why was I tied up? The last thing I could remember was talking to dad in the forest. Where was dad?

"This is fantastic," A nasally voice sounded, who I immediately recognized as Dr. Cohen. I took a quick glance around my surroundings and realized I was in his office. Did he do this to me?

"What do you mean fantastic, John? My daughter just fainted. What the hell is wrong with her," another voice sounded, this one a deep baritone.

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