Happy Pills

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Sarah honks her horn in the alley so I grab my bag and run out the back.

"There's no rush, hun." Sarah says as I jump into the passenger seat.

"I don't want you to be late or anything so.." I pop my pills into my mouth and take a drink of water.

"What's that?"

"Happy pills." I give her a thumbs up and a cheesy smile.

"Cheers." She says holding up her canteen of coffee. I clink my water bottle against it and take another drink.

The ride to school is quiet but comfortable. We pull into the parking lot and go about our morning normally. It feels weird having a huge secret inside of me but I like it. It's mine and no one gets to know what I did to Miss Paulson last night.


"Huh?" Im pulled from my lusty thoughts from last night. Some of the class giggles and scoffs at my absentmindedness.

"Why did Grendel hate the Danes?" Sarah asks again.

"Because they throw parties and play music and are happy. Grendel isn't happy so he's jealous that they are.. happy."

"Very good. Be like Riley guys, knows the answers even when she's not paying attention because she actually did her homework." She smirks then begins today's reading.

I hide my face in my book so she can't see how red it's getting. We have our class discussion about the pages we read and then have a few minutes at the end of the class. Most of the class starts to talk but I continue reading. I want to get a jump on the homework so I can spend time with Sarah tonight and this weekend. Hopefully we won't have the same awkward moment as we did last night. I just need to keep my head away from her chest dang it.

By the time I've answered my last homework question in tonight's section of the packet, the bell rings. Everyone starts to pack up and shuffle out as Sarah yells, "Finish your reading and the questions. I'm checking first thing for points before we go over it. And Ry can I talk to you before you go?"

Several oohs ring through the classroom. They're all just praying I'm in trouble for something. Assholes.

"Yes Miss Paulson?" I walk behind her desk like usual.

After the last student walks out she stands and leans into me a little. "You have to stop staring at me like that all hour." I feel her hand squeeze my butt a little and a shock runs through me. "And during third hour don't forget to stack the old books in the cabinet. I have to run out."

"Uh..sure." I walk out hoping she doesn't notice how tightly my thighs are clenched.

When third hour rolls around I see Sarah has already left to run her errand. This is her prep hour and my aide hour so I'm usually in the empty classroom with her. It's never gotten weird or anything. I usually just help her grade papers, organize, or whatever.

Once I'm finishing up organizing the books by number I hear the classroom door unlock. Sarah walks in shoving a bag further down into her purse.

"Why do you use such a huge purse?"

"Because I carry around a lot of shit." She says.

"What yu get?" I move towards her but she pulls her bag away.

"You'll see." She smirks.

"Ugh." I wine. "Is this my essay?" I move past her and pick up some papers on her laptop. "Ooh 95." I smile.

"It was a good paper." She says as I hop onto her counter.

"Thanks. I try." I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her towards me.

"The bells gonna ring in a minute." She warns.

"Oh well." I shrug and hop off the counter. "I'll see you later, Sarah."

The bell rings and I sway my hips ever so slightly to tease her. I think I like doing stuff like that. I feel kinda in control and dominant. I don't like the whole whips and chains kind of thing but I like the idea that I might just have Sarah Paulson wrapped around my finger.

After the last bell of the day rings I speed walk to my locker. I worked straight through lunch to get ahead with homework so I've decided to leave everything at school for the weekend. No distractions. I want both of us to come to terms about what happened and to figure out if I'm allowed to do it again.. sorry not sorry.

"Are you ready?" I take one of her large bags from her as she locks up her room.

"Yeah. Where's your stuff?"

"I got everything done." I shrug and lead her out to the parking lot. "Do you have much work for this weekend?"

"Ehh.. no." She backs the car out. "Maybe a few things but nothing major."

"Do you wanna come over?" I don't want her to see how nervous I am but I start to play with my hair.

"Sure. I'm going to drop you off, put my car in the garage, then I'll walk over, okay?"

"Sounds good." I hop out and open the gate to my back yard.

"Hi peach." Pearl chimes.

"Hey. My teacher is about to come over here so I need to go throw all my laundry somewhere that isn't my living room floor." I say as I run through the yard and in through my back door.

Shit. Why do I leave everything everywhere. I grab a hamper and start throwing clothes in it. I'll wash these this weekend hopefully. Just as I finish cleaning things up and throwing dishes in the dishwasher there's a knock on the back door.

"Hey." I say letting her in.

"Your house is so cute!" She squeals.

"Thanks." I laugh. "It's a great size but I also have a ton of room."

"Show me around?" She asks.

"Sure!" First I point to the table. "This is my very lovely dining table that I barley ever use. And this is my kitchen that I barely ever cook in." I keep walking and just keep pointing. "Straight ahead leads to my garage and on the left is storage/pantry but over here.." I dramatically open the door. "Is the bathroom.

"Lovely." She plays along.

I lead her back and towards the stairs. "This is the living room. Where I usually watch my cartoons." She giggles and I lead her up the stairs. "To the left this is just where I have a ton of stuff. It could kinda be an entertainment room I guess but I didn't really have the money to do anything with it." She nods. I lead her to the guest room and bathroom "And this way is guest living space and laundry room and finally. I open a door. "This is my room and yeah. That's my place."

"It's lovely." She smiles.

"Thanks. I'm thinking about getting a roommate to help with costs and I wouldn't be alone as much but also I'd rather not have someone else here." I laugh.

"Why don't you just get a pet or something?" She asks, sitting down onto my bed.

"Money." I shrug. "I have a good amount from my grandparents after they died but I don't want to just rip through that."

"I get it."

There's a silence in the room and something that's been on my mind forever.

"Sarah can I ask you a personal question?" I sit on the bed across from her.


"Remember last night?" I look at my fidgety hands.

"I do."

"Sarah I think I'm gay."

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