Chaper 10: Family Reunion and a Long Elevator Trip Down!

Start from the beginning

A few more clashes between both Ragna and Jin's blades.

A few more clashes between both Ragna and Jin's blades

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Jin: I dreamed of this of this day for so long...and now that it's come, I'm simply beside myself.

Ragna: Tch... your fantasies suck, Jin.
Look, I've got a bunch of questions that need answering, but first... FIRST, I'm gonna beat the everloving shit outta you.

Jin: You'll have to do better than THAT, Brother. Wouldn't you rather kill me instead? If you don't want to see my guts in a pile at your feet, then we're not operating at equal levels of hatred...and that just wouldn't be fair...!
It's all I can do not cut you to ribbons where you stand!

Ragna: Try it, asshole! I don't know why I even wasted my breath talking to you. Let's see if I can knock any sense into that sick skull of yours.

Jin: Ahahahahaha! That's the ticket! Let's kill each other, over and over and over again!

You then started running at the two and kick Jin away from Ragna.

Y/N: That will never happen Jin, not while I'm around!

Jin recovered and looked up and sees you with a surprised look on his face.

Jin: Who are you?

Y/N:....I see you don't remember me, well it's better off like that. I rather not be remembered from such scum as you, who treats others like trash. I wonder what happened to the Jin I used to know.

Jin: I'll ask again, who are you?!

Y/N: Why don't you come over here and find out! And who knows, I might get serious and throw the moon at you! (Turns to Ragna) Ready my friend?

Ragna: Ya, let's kick his ass!

Jin: No, no, NO... it's only between me and my brother don't get in the way!

Y/N: Well, I'm going to be in your way, like or not.

Jin: Then, I'll cut you to shreds first!

Y/N: Go ahead try, cry baby.

A/N: This part you start the music.

That got on Jin's nerves as he pulls out his sword and use the air to crystallize to make an ice sword and throws it at you.

You and Ragna dodged it, you both start running towards him. Ragna got in the front while your behind him, he then charges seithr on his right arm.

Ragna: Hell's Feng!

Ragna: Hell's Feng!

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