Can anyone deciper dream meanings??

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Heya mis cachorros!

I'm sorry, I know I haven't updated in a while but I have a situation.

For the past 2 weeks I've been having the exact same dream and I have no clue what it means but something's telling me it's not good at all, gut feeling.


Alright so basically it starts of with me in a field of white roses which have no thorns as the sun is out and warm and there's birds about singing but within a few minutes that all changes. The sky fills with dark, stormy clouds and the roses turn black and sprout razor sharp thorns.

Every time I move they leave cuts, scrapes and scratches all over my lower body and lower torso which are extremely painful and I can feel each individual one. The clouds explode with multiple bright flashes of angry blood red lightning which strikes the ground about 50ft ahead of me, starting a fire that circles me 40ft away. From that fire comes a shadow that shapes itself as me.

It starts to slowly walk towards me, speeding up as it gets closer and it's features become more monstrous and horrifying, even more so than mine are anyway.

It's now full on sprinting at me like an animal on all 4s would and it has a dark interest in its yellow eyes. When it's a few feet away, it lunges at me and shoved me back, digging its claws deep into my shoulders before pouncing off as I fall through the thorns and into a clouded glass container.

A lid is put on and sealed on tight and it begins to fill up with blood, I can do nothing but look out through the murky glass as the melted figure grins. When the blood reaches my chin, the figure pulls a power switch off to the side.

Next thing I know I'm in bed at home, awoken to a banging on my window. Before looking outside, I look down at my legs and see no more marks than freckles and some scars that I have anyway. I then look outside and it is night time and it's so pitch black that I can't see anything except a pair glowing golden slitted eyes glaring furiously at me.

I sit up immediately and suddenly a small shadow has jumped through the glass and is crouching just by the edge of my bed. I look over the edge of my bed and into the darkness below scared but curious.

Almost immediately, a large black cat has violently pounced from the darkness and onto me with its large and very sharp teeth bared in a snarling roar and it's claws extended and ready to rip me to shreds. I can feel it's claws and teeth digging into my skin and tearing the flesh of my chest and neck as it clamps down.

Then I woke up (real world) breathless and sat upright at exactly 3:33AM every morning for the last 2 weeks.

If anyone knows what this could mean I would greatly appreciate some help!

Thank you for your time mis cachorros,

~ Space

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