I need to tell you lot something. Please read.

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Be warned this might end up becoming a rant.

I'm not even joking when I say I'm extremely grateful for you lot.

I know 2k reads probably isn't a lot to others but to me that's loads.

I have nearly 30 followers and thats more than 10x the number of people irl who will stand to be near me.

Irl no one wants to be near me, no joke. At school no one wants to so much as sit next to me, let alone make any form of contact with me, verbal or physical unless it's hateful.

I'm last picked for everything and no one ever pairs up with me for group work yet I still hear the murmurs and see the side glances.

1 of my brothers has anger issues and when he's angry and I'm involved even the slightest bit, he tells me to 'go to hell', I'm 'too fat to be human', that I'm a 'new species of cow/pig crossbreed that went wrong' and how the mirror in my bathroom broke because it 'saw me and committed suicide'. The list can honestly go on for a while, unfortunately.

Thanks to all of this and how my older brother violently verbally and emotionally bullied me throughout my life before my mum got a new partner, it's caused me to have a pretty low self esteem. 

It's like a shadow, y'know? Always following you wherever you go, always right behind you and no escape from it.

And it's been catching up lately.

I need some suggestions cause I've started scratching the back of my hand a lot without knowing to the point of blood and I'm worried someone will find out.

I'm supposed to be the smart, mature and grown up, responsible young lady that everyone wants me to be, and I am

But it's hard to keep from crumbling under the pressure of just... everything.

I just don't know what to do anymore...

I'm sorry for loading this onto you but I had to tell someone

Thank you to those that read this ♥️♥️♥️

~ Space

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