Start from the beginning

"I need to talk to you about something." He continued before taking a seat next to him.

"What?" She asked and raised her brow at him.

"It's about Torvi." Björn begun and let out a heavy breath which made her heart beat quickly in her chest. "I'm thinking about asking her to marry me." He said and her eyes widen as her smile faded.

"M—Marry her?" Her voice cracked but she cleared it and raised her brow. "Isn't that a bit hasty?" She asked and he raised his brow as he chuckled.

"Hasty? I've been with her long enough plus I love her more than I have ever loved anyone else." Björn asked and she swallowed her lump in her throat before forcing the most pained smile in her life.

"You should, if you really love her then go for it." Y/N said as they got off the ground. Björn wrapped her in a tight hug and kissed the top of her head and for the short moment it lasted she took a deep breath as she closed her eyes. The pain in her chest made in unbearable to be around him and breath. Almost like panic, she couldn't breath, she started to feel warm and the sweat begun to pearl her forehead.

"Thank you Y/N, you're the best friend I could ask for. I'm glad I bumped into you. Now I have some planning to do." Björn said before walking towards the village again. "Are you coming?" He asked when she didn't follow him, as he gave her a smile that made her heart ache even more.

"No, I still have a few things to get for Helga." She lied and he was clueless as always. He waved at her before walking back, leaving her there alone. She placed her hand over her mouth to prevent a silent cry to leave her mouth. Tears slipped down her cheeks. She felt stupid when she thought that someone like Björn could grow feelings towards her.

When she had calmed down she had returned to the village. She saw Margrethe standing outside a shed with Ubbe, eyes filled with love for the prince. She looked down on the ground before hurring inside so she wouldn't be caught by the two lovers. However without luck. Margrethe saw the red eyes friend wiping her cheeks as she entered her home. She kissed Ubbe goodbye before walking over to Y/N's small cabin.

"Y/N?" Margrethe said in a whisper as she knocked yet opened the door. She heard the silent cries and the small frame sitting on the bed with her back facing her. Margrethe walked over to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, letting Y/N cry on her shoulder. "What happened? Is it Björn?" She asked and Y/N nodded as she wiped her cheeks.

"He's marrying her." Y/N mumbled as she picked on her dress, feeling guilty and ashamed for crying over a man she wasn't entitled too. "I'm pathetic." She whispered and Margrethe hugged her closer.

"You are not. Björn's clueless and an idiot for not seeing what's been right before him." Margrethe said. "Have you ever talked to him about it?" She asked and Y/N quickly pulled away.

"No. Why would I?" Y/N asked and Margrethe shrugged.

"Maybe you should. What if there's some feeling from him that he's been too afraid to show?" She asked.

"There isn't, then he wouldn't marry Torvi. And look at her, she's tall, beautiful and aspiring shield maiden. What am I?" Y/N asked. "A lonely, shy, poor and disgusting thrall without worth." She answered her own question.

"You're not Y/N." Margrethe said. "You're beautiful, kind, caring and smart." She added and Y/N rolled her eyes. "I still think you should tell him. I think you should ease some pressure on that big hear of yours."

"Maybe you're right?" Y/N said. "I can always try before it's to late." She said and took a deep breath. She wiped her tears, untied her messy braid and redid it before taking her other dress that Björn had given her; the one that was now slightly too big yet she only wore it on special occasions.

"You're beautiful!" Margrethe said with a smile. "Talk to him and if he's rude I'll talk to Ubbe and he can let the angry beast Ivar to go after him!" She added with a wink. Y/N smiled before hurrying outside and almost ran to Björn's cabin. She knocked quickly and tried to remove the smile of her face. She told herself to be honest, confident and strong when she talked to Björn. However it faded when Torvi, only dressed in a blanket opened the door. She smiled at Y/N.

"Hey Y/N." Torvi greeted her.

"Hi, is Björn in?" She asked and before Torvi could answer a dressed Björn appeared, placing his hand on Torvi's waist and smiled at Y/N yet it soon faded when he saw her bloodshot eyes, the woman who mentally slapped herself for thinking how perfect they looked together.

"What's the matter? Has something happened?" Björn asked, worried.

"No. I was wondering if I could speak to you in private for a while?" She asked Björn who looked at Torvi who gave him a nod.

"Of course." He said and kissed Torvi's temple before leaving the cabin. Y/N motioned for them to walk towards the forest on the other side, where his cabin were located. By a smaller stream they sat down on a few stones an Y/N took a deep breath.

"Have you asked her yet?" She asked Björn who shook his head.

"Not yet." Björn said and a huff left Y/N's lips.

"Good." She whispered to herself. "I actually have something to tell you." She said after clearing her voice and finding it again. Their eyes met and she sucked in a harsh breath, his blue eyes that was like a copy of the sky met hers.

"What?" Björn asked.

"I haven't been completely honest with you." Y/N begun. "I've spoken to Margrethe and she told me that I needed to be honest with myself and ease the pain I've been feeling lately." She continued.

"Pain? Are you sick?" Björn asked quickly.

"No. I'm fine." She said before taking a deep breath. "It's just that— It's just that I like you Björn." She said and looked at the ground. "No to be correct I don't like you. I—I...Gods this was hard. I—I love you." Y/N said not louder than a whisper and her hands were shaking. Björn didn't say anything he only glared at her.

"You might not feel the same—" Y/N begun and he cut her off.

"Right I don't!" Björn said, almost raising his voice. Y/N looked up and her heart shattered into tiny pieces at the anger she was met with. "What kind of person encourages her friend to marry a woman only to seconds later tell him that she loves him?!" Björn were almost shouting by now, the others in the village could hear if there were close enough.

"I know. I was scared to loose you as a friend, that's why I didn't say anything earlier." Y/N said with shame filling her body like the water when drowning.

"Well, you succeeded with that anyway! You've lied to me all this time and now you waltz in and decide to ruin my happiness with the woman I love. Thinking that I would leave her for you! How selfish can one be Y/N!?" He yelled at her before storming off. Y/N's bottom lip trembled as her shoulders hung heavy, she turned her cheeks from the village feeling the burns from the crowd that had gathered.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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