chapter 1

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In the Fudo family attic...

"Sell, sell, sell, keep... Sell..." Jessica looked through her old things with Darla and put them in separate boxes.

"Are most of us going to be selling some stuff?" Darla asked.

"I outgrew most of these." Jessica said.

"Aw, come on, let me see if there's anything I'd like," Darla said as she looked at the sell pile. "Hey, there's an old band tank top in here. 'Mr. Universe'?"

"Ohh, that must have been Steven's dad's old one man band name." Jessica smiled.

"You saw that?" Darla asked.

"Yeah, you haven't heard?" Jessica replied as she decided to keep the top for nostalgia. "The Gems used to babysit me and Amethyst was my best friend."

"Sounds like you, Mom, and Dad had a lot of fun back in Beach City." Darla smiled back.

"We sure did." Jessica smiled.

"I wish I couldv'e seen it..." Darla sounded jealous.

"Aww..." Jessica cooed as she gently ruffled up her hair and laughed.

Darla then kept looking through the old stuff and took out a frog doll.

"KERMIT!" Jessica squeaked as she picked up the doll. "I thought I lost you forever~..." she then hugged the doll nice and tight.

"He must be very close to you." Darla said.

"You said it..." Jessica smiled.

Oddball came in and sniffed the frog doll curiously.

"This is Kermit the Frog." Jessica giggled.

"Kermit?" Oddball tilted her head, not knowing who that was.

"You've never heard about him?" Darla asked.

"I don't think so." Oddball replied.

"He's a Muppet." Jessica said.

"I thought he was a frog?" Oddball asked.

Jessica and Darla face-palmed.

"What?" Oddball asked.

Later on...

"Atticus, please tell me you've at least heard of the Muppets..." Jessica said to her younger brother as he was on the couch with Cherry, studying.

"Of course I have, who hasn't?" Atticus asked.

"Yeah, what do you think we are, idiots?" Cherry added.

Oddball whimpered slightly.

"What?" Cherry asked. "What'd I say?"

"Oddball's never heard of them." Jessica said.

Cherry chuckled nervously and buried her face in her book.

"Why don't we go to the Muppets Studio?" Atticus suggested.

"They still have that?" Jessica wondered.

"Yeah or at least I think." Atticus said.

Cherry put her book down and then picked up her laptop. "Muppet Studios..." she then muttered as she Googled it.

"I thought they closed it down?" Darla asked.

"We'll find out soon." Atticus said.

Cherry hummed as she found Muppets Studios. "Apparently it's closed."

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