Chapter 9 - The Sass Master

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A/N: Hey there! So I hope you guys don't mind a few innapropriate jokes or references. :) Don't worry. It doesn't actually say anything wrong. It just suggests it usually.. Anyway, go ahead and read, vote, and pretty PLEASE tell me what you thought. ^_^ I luff chuh guys!

And thank you all so much for voting for my story! I can't believe we're almost up to 300 votes :O That's unbelievable! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU :D

- Harry's Point of View -

The strange fluttering against my chest woke me up.

I squeezed my eyes tightly, trying to savor a few more minutes in the soft hotel sheets, but was so rudely stopped by the same light fluttering and the movement of something warm against my legs. Something stopped me from swatting the butterfly feeling off my body, and I'm sure as hell glad I didn't, or she probably would have been angrier than she became once she woke up. Yes. She. Funny, isn't it? Sure wasn't funny for me..

My eyes widened and all sleepiness left me as I took in my surroundings, "Holy.."

I stopped myself before I went any further. Even if I was in this position, I had to at least be a little polite. I would be in even more trouble than I already was going to be in, if I was the one to wake her up.

The fluttering was coming from her eyelashes brushing against my bare chest. I was already wide awake, but wasn't planning on getting up since she was unconsciously clinging on to me like a little girl who had won a giant teddy bear at a carnival. It was so quiet that I could hear her even breathing. She looked serene for once, almost happy. I barely ever saw her like this, so it was a nice change.

I pulled my arms behind my back, deciding to try and fall asleep again and pretend this didn't happen. I would occasionally absentmindedly touch her hair to see if she was still there. I eventually fell asleep, but was, surprise, surprise, woken up by a loud screech and some words I'm not exactly allowed to say in public.

I let her pound her dainty fists against my chest for a few more minutes and scream at the top of her lungs until she finally calmed down and sat there with her head in her hands, slightly shaking. I'm not going to lie; she may look like she'll break like a twig if the wind blows too hard, but she can really throw a punch.

Then and there, she looked vulnerable, wearing one of my shirts that was too big for her, so it looked like a dress, and sitting with her knees pulled tightly to her chest, slightly rocking back and forth. She might even be crying.

I'm not much of a comforting person so all I could really do was scoot near her and pat her back as she cried an ocean, never looking at me. I would sometimes say 'there, there' awkwardly and make her sniffle for a second then go back into silence, only shaking. It kind of scared me how she didn't make any noises when she cried. It reminded me of her brother.

After a moment, she started hiccuping, got off the bed, not looking at me, and walked into the bathroom without another word.

She came out a few minutes later, any remnants of tears gone from her face, the only reminder being her reddish nose.

"You alright?" I said, slightly cringing, getting ready for her to snap at me.

She nodded, surprisingly calm, and plopped down next to me, "What happened?"

She didn't remember? Okay, so maybe I don't remember most of what happened either, but we are currently in my hotel room, almost completely naked, and an entire mess. I think you can put two and two together.

Love to Hate You (A Harry Styles Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ