The most awaited freedom

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After more than 2 years of staying at the military camp, finally she's already out. She's been waiting for this moment to arrived.

Finally! Hmmm.. I love smelling the air outside the base camp, it is somehow refreshing!

Lisa shouted to the thin air. She doesn't mind if people were looking at her and thinks she's an idiot. Her smile is up to her ears.


She smiled when she heard her name and that very familiar voice. And when she turn around, a small lady hugged her and a fine tall young woman is approaching her too. She smiled.

Jisoo-yah! You really did missed me this much ne?

She teases Jisoo, the cute small woman who hugged her so tight. And she looked at the other lady, she smiled at her.

Rosie, my baby chipmunk! Did you missed me too huh?! C'mon, don't be shy and hug me tight like this cutie here!

She teases Rosie too, and open her long arms wide so Rosie can hug her. And her chipmunk did hugged her so tight. Uwu! She love this girls so much. And they looked at each other, pinched each others cheeks and giggled.

C'mon Sargeant, we've been waiting for you here outside for quite long you know. So let's go and have something to eat.

Rosie said that with her eyes twinkling. And if you read her mind, you might find this phrase "Food is lifeue". 😁

Oh yeah! Food! Food! Food! I want to have gamjatang! Yay!

She screamed loudly. She's looking forward to eat gamjatang, have chocomilk drinks, shaved ice and a lot more, cause food outside is much different than the food served inside the camp.

Were you not fed well inside the camp, Lisa-yah? Anyway, I want to have chicken skewers and we need to fetch my Dalgomie at the pet shop. C'mon Pasta, we have to go now!

Jisoo look at Rosie while grinning.

Nah! Don't call me pasta Chichu! We don't have to hurry back at the shop yah know, it's not been that long since we left Dalgom there. Let's have some food first, I know a good place!

Rosie was annoyed by that nickname but then, she still said that while her eyes were almost teary due to excitement thinking about the foods they will have. She sure love to eat a lot. 😁

I missed this kind of argument you know, let's go get some food!

She told them while holding her hands up high! That's right, she missed this two lovely ladies so much. Rosie, started the car. And start to drive at the place where the food is great.

Jisoo is two years older than her and Rosie is just about a month older than her, they've been together for quite long. Jisoo was like an older sister to her and Rosie, was like a twin sister since they're about the same age. They are her bestfriends.

Looking at these two important person in her life makes her strong heart so soft.

I love you guys!

She said that while giving each one a kiss in the cheek. Pinching their cheeks. Jisoo got annoyed at her and Rosie's having a panic attack as always whenever she did that. It made her laugh. She opened the car's window and shouted.

I love being freeeeee! 💜

*for new blinks, pasta is rosé's nickname given by jisoo but she doesn't like it anyway, and chichu is jisoo's nickname given by herself. 😁

The Sergeant And The Heiress [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now