1| "Growing Up" Part I

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Isaiah was in his room getting ready for the next chapter in his life; high school. The first day of school was starting tomorrow and he couldn't wait for it to come. All the high school parties and girls were so close to him but still out of reach. He walked out of his room and went into the kitchen where he saw his mother sitting at the kitchen table smoking a cigarette.

“You never sit at the table unless something is wrong,” Isaiah grabbed an apple out of the fridge. Isaiah was tall and lean, with jet black curly hair and a chocolate complexion.

“Yeah, there's just a lot going on right now.” Whitney his mother replied. She was on her third cigarette from what Isaiah saw from the ash tray.

“What's wrong?” Isaiah sat down at the table.

“It's your uncle Mike. He's in a bind.”

“What did he do this time?”

“He lost the house. Him and CJ have been staying at Eve's and Morgan's for the last few weeks and its crowded over there with them staying on the couch.”

“Okay, so....”

“So, I said they could stay here...with us. It's the least we can do for them after all the thigns they've done for us since the funeral.”

“They'll be staying here. With us?”

“Yes, and you'll need to make room for CJ in the room.” She ashed her cigarette.

“I have to share a room with him.” Isaiah laughed. “We haven't hung out with each other in years!”

“Family will always get back to how they were.” The door bell rang. “That's them.” Whitney got out of her seat.

“They're here already?” Isaiah followed her to the front door.

“Yes, now be on your best behavior. They're family, and they need us.” Whitney opened the door.

“Hey Whitney!” Michael Hanson kissed her on the cheek as he brought in his bags followed by his son CJ.

Isaiah greeted his uncle. Even though they lived in the same city, they rarely seen each other since Isaiah's fathers funeral three years ago. “Hey.” Isaiah greeted CJ.

“Hey,” CJ replied. CJ was the epitome of a surfer boy, with his long golden blonde hair, to his piercing blue eyes and his sun kissed tan skin.

“I'll show you to our room.” Isaiah smiled. He started for the room, and snuck a look back at his mother. Things were changing, and they were changing fast.


The next morning, Isaiah and CJ were getting ready for school. The night was long and awkward as Isaiah and CJ didn't know what to talk about.

“Did you sleep much last night?” CJ asked as he pulled his shirt over his head.

“Not really,” Isaiah replied. “Did you know you snored? Cause you do...loud.”

“Sorry, it's a habit. It only happens when I sleep somewhere new.”

“Well, lets hope it doesn't last long, shall we?” Isaiah threw on his light blue and grey cardigan.

“Are you mad at me or something?” CJ asked.

“No, it's just...we haven't hung out since the sixth grade and we lived in the same city. And then all of a sudden you move in here and we're forced back into each others lives. No offense.” Isaiah confessed.

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