???Bonus Chapter???

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"Sir my ass I need a tow truck in the next hour or I will report you trash ass people," I spat into my phone.

I pretended to hang up and huffed. The dude Wakeem watched me as I paced back and forth.

"Need some help," he asked before looking at his watch.

"Yeah my truck just broke down and I'm not from here so I don't know where I am, my girl with her friends and I don't wanna bother them, but I don't know where the hell I am," I said looking around and putting my hands on my face.

He looked at me before reaching his hand out.

"I'm Wakeem," he said.

I nodded and shook his hand.

"Lucas," I said. Once I pulled back I shook my head and pulled out my phone again.

"You lost too," I asked pretending to dial a number again.

"No I'm just waiting on...a few friends to come by so we can handle business," he said.

He must be dumb cause I would have just said I didn't know where I was either, or he just don't care about being sold out to the 12.

I nodded my head and looked around.

"Aye you got tosmetuing right dea," I said pointing to my chin but looking at him. He wiped his chunk and looked down. As soon as he brought his head back up, I upper cut him and watched him fly back.

I waved my hand for the guys to come on and I pucnhed him again to keep him distracted. They ran over with a bag and tied it over his head. He muffled something but it was barely audible.

We carried him back to the truck and put him in the back. Mike got in the front and drove off. I looked down at him and Kirk was smiling.

"You move to slow," he said to the dude.

"What took you so long," he asked.

"I had to atleast make it seem real," I wanted looking down at him squirm to get the bag off.i grabbed his hands and tied a rope around it.

Kirk grabbed his leg and Mike made a sharp turn causing him to roll over and his hand to slap my face. I exhaled and lifted him back up against the side of the truck.

Once we I heard the truck stop I jumped over the back and opened it. Kirk dragged the dude out and I grabbed the duffle bag he was carrying.

Once we got to the sign we pushed open the gate and dragged him through the woods. I don't know if someone will find his body but I hope that they don't. I'm not trying to go to jail for something that could have been covered up properly.....that's why they need me.

I can cover things up to where they will never be discovered. That's what I'm known for.

We pushed past trees and ducked under tree limbs. Once we got to the back where it was nothing but a huge cliff and rocks and water at the bottom.

Once we put him down I snatched the bag off of his head. He gasped for air and leaned over. We pulled him back up and he tried to catch his breath. He looked up at us as his chest pumped up and down.

August smiled and stepped forward.

"Where's our money nigga," he asked bending to his level.

"In the bag," he said motioning to the bag.

August reached back and Chris handed him the bag. Aug opened the bag and it was stacks of money in it.

"You sho dis all," Mike and Chris asked at the same time. They looked at each other and chuckled before getting back to business.

Suicidal Thoughts Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin