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Chapter Fifth teen


Jess and I swapped numbers and she showed me a red velvet dress with gold outlining on the arms and top portion of the dress. I smiled and rubbed my hand against the soft fabric.

"This is beautiful," I gasped still looking at it.

"How much is it," I asked.

"I think about six hundred or so," she said looking at it. I frowned and pulled my hand away.

"I don't think I'll be able to afford something like this," I said looking at a different dress.

"Tell your boyfriend to buy it," she said laying it across her arm and looking for another one.

"Oh no August isn't my boyfriend," I said.

"I couldn't tell," she said.

"Y'all act like a couple but he threw me off when he kissed your forehead.

"We don't kiss. We're just friends...even though we almost kissed one time...or a couple of times."

"What's stopping 'yall from getting together," she asked as she held up a blue and silver tight fit dress. I picked it up and put it on my arm.

"I guess I'm just not ready for another relationship just yet," I said.

"What was your last like," she asked picking up a yellow and white sparkle dress.

"He cheated on me with my best friend because I didn't want to break my religion for him, faked his death because he owed someone money and ran away from his problems," I explained.

"Damn," she mumbled. "Let's not talk about him then," she said picking up a red and black dress. She laid it over her arm and walked over to the counter.


"I'll look at something else," I said still looking around. All the dresses we picked out were all very pretty but they didn't give me the prom look I wanted for my last year of high school.

I walked around to the back and saw this gorgeous all white sparkling dress in a case.

"Jess look," I called out.

"Excuse me," Jess said to the clerk.

"My friend here wants that dress over there," Jess explained.

"I'll be right back," the girl at the counter said.

I smiled and danced in my shoes.

"Can you call the guys and tell them I'm ready," I asked looking up at the dress as the girl took it out of the case and handed it to me.

"Okay let me hold these," Jess said getting the dresses out of my arms. I smiled once I felt the dress and its soft fabric.

I squealed and ran into the dressing room. I took off my shorts and my shirt and slipped into the dress. I admired myself in the mirror and smirked.

I ran my hands down the dress and smile. I had a pair of silver heels similar the gold ones and I slipped them on. I looked amazing I should say so myself.

I peeked into the store to see the boys weren't here yet.

"Jess look," I said stepping out into the store.

Her eyes widened once she seen me.

"Ava! Oh my God you're gorgeous!"

"I don't want August to see it yet so can you ask her for a black dress cover," I said.

She nodded her head and walked over to the woman. I spotted August and Lucas and ran back into the dressing room.

"Ma," I heard August call out through the store.

"She's in the back," I heard Jess say.

"She doesn't want you to see her dress yet," she added.

I heard the door open behind me and Jess handed me a huge dress cover. I didn't want to ruin it so I slowly slipped it off and on to the hanger.

I pulled the bag over the dress and slipped my shorts and shirt back on. I walked out of the dressing room with a big bag in my hand and the shoes to match.

"Can you hold this," I asked August as I handed him the shoebox. He took it from me and held it in the same hand as his shoeboxes.

We all walked towards the register and Jess got her dress rung up first.

"Your total is $2,619.74," the clerk said.

Lucas pulled out a black card and the woman swiped it. Jess kissed Lucas on the cheek and picked up her dress and the receipt.

"Please come again to Macy's Dresses."

"We'll meet you guys in the food court," she said. I nodded and they walked out of the store. I sat my dress on the counter and she scanned the barcode.

"Your total is $3,794.87."

I was about to pull out the money when August handed her a black card. She swiped it and handed him back his card.

She handed me the receipt and I looked up at him with my mouth boxed up.

"Please come again to Macy's Dresses."

"Thank you," I said to the clerk.

"Any time," she said with a smile.

We walked out of the store and I looked at August.

"What," he asked with a smirk on his face.

"I could have paid for my own dress," I pouted.

"Here you go 'buggin," he mumbled licking his bottom lip.

"You can lick 'yo crusty lips all you want but I mean what I say. I'm paying for my own stuff next time," I said walking in front of him.

"My lips ain't crusty and you can walk in front of me all you want 'cause the view is great ma," he said from behind me.

I turned around and he chuckled.

"I'm joking," he said.

"Whatever," I said.

"Aye I 'gotta go somewhere real quick," he said.

"Whatever just leave me with all of the bags and I'll take them to the car."

"Nah I got the bags just carry your dress. I got it." I nodded and walked to the food court. I spotted Jess and Lucas so I walked over to them.

They were sitting at a table eating Chinese food.

"I'll be back," I said siting my dress in a chair.

I walked over to China Town and ordered a Sesame chicken combo and a large sweet tea with an egg roll. I paid for my food and sat down in front of Jess.

"Where's August at," Jess asked as she stole some of Lucas food.

"I don't know he said he had to get something," I said opening my plate.

"True," she said as she stole some more of his food.

"Come on nah you got what you wanted," he said pushing her away from his plate.

"Not everything," she said she smirking at him.

"Get a room," I chuckled. Jess stuckup her middle finger and I laughed.     

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