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Jess pulled into Mrs. Sheila's yard and parked. We got out of the car and I held my dress up. Once we got to the door it opened.

Natia smiled at us and brought us up the stairs. She smiled again and walked away from us leaving us at the top of the stairs.

"Now walk down again," she yelled. I smirked at Jess and told her to go first. This should be great because she has someone waiting for her at the bottom....and I don't.


Lucas walked out of the kitchen and I did too. We stood at the bottom of the stairs holding our Corsages and waited.

Jess walked down the stairs with a black and silver dress. It was nice if I do say so myself. I could see Ava in a something like that.

"Awe shi-," Lucas started. He looked over at my mother who was glaring at him and he stopped himself. If looks could killer would have been dead.

"Awe shoot look at my baby," he said kissing Jessica on the lips. She pulled away from him and smiled. He slid on her corsage and we all looked up at the stairs.

"Can I come down now," Ava asked with her soft voice from the top of the stairs. I couldn't see her so I didn't know what to expect.

"Come on down," Natia said looking at me. I grabbed a towel and laid it on the floor. I saw her feet as she stepped down the steps carefully.

Once she seen me her eyes lit up. She smiled so hard it looked like she was going to explode. I smiled back at her and watched in amazement as her dress sparkled in the light.

Her crown sparkled too and she glowed like a goddess. God took extra time to make this one man, cause ain't no way through all of her flaws that she's still perfect in my eyes.

Once she got to the bottom she walked over to me, embracing me in the biggest hug ever. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mines around her waist.

We pulled away and I kissed her cheek. Jess handed her a napkin and she dabbed at her tears trying not to mess up her makeup.

"You said you weren't coming," she said laughing.

"Well I wanted ta go wit a girl named Ava Frost....just thought I would shoot ma shot," I said smiling at her.

She laughed and I handed her the corsage. She put it on and I smiled.

"You look nice sister in law," Travis said giving her a hug.

"Yeah, you clean up nice," Mal joked pulling her into a hug.

"You're gorgeous girl," Tia said side hugging her.

"Ava, you look beautiful. Let's take pictures," my momma said.

"August, Ava, come on get in front of the stairs."

We stood infront of the stairs and I put my left arm around her waist pulling her closer to me. She wrapped her right arm around my waist and we smiled.

My momma snapped the pictures. We took five more with the two of us. Ava took some by herself. I took some by myself. Lucas and Jess took some together and they took some by themselves.

We were all talking to pass the time when the door bell rung. Me and Ava went to get it together since she insisted she wanted to make sure I didn't bail on her, but I know it's cause she feeling a nigga.

I opened the door to see Chris, Micheal, Kirk, and Trey all standing there with dates.

"We got a limo y'all ready," Chris asked.

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