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Chapter Three

I walked out of the school as people nodded their heads to me. I don't want any friends because of some stupid speech.

"I dare you to go talk to her and you 'gotta get the draws. I bet she used to give it up any time of day to Wakeem," I heard someone whisper from behind me.

A boy walked up to me and smiled in my face. He was making me uncomfortable by the way he was smiling so hard. It looked fake.

"Does your jaw hurt? You're kind of smiling pretty hard, and I'm not giving you my underwear and I wasn't giving shit to Wakeem. So take 'yo 1937 punch line and get the hell out of my face."

I straight faced him and stepped around him holding my books to my chest. I left him there smiling like an idiot.

I walked around the building to see a guy playing with the puppy. I did a small smile and walked up behind him.

He turned around still bending down and looked up at me.

"Oh ma I'm sorry I didn't know he was yours," he said standing up.

"It's okay," I said softly. I bent down and pulled out a bag I got from the cafeteria. I took the raggedy leash from around his neck.

Today we had chicken and rice. I opened the bag and sat it down in front of him. He tore up the rice and I ripped the chicken for him.

Once he was finished I gave him the bone and turned on my heels. I saw that guy from earlier and he was still standing there.

"What's 'ya name ma," he asked obviously not from around here with his thick NOLA accent.

"Were you at the Ceremony today," I asked quietly.

"I was but I 'wanna to hear you say it, again."

"I'm Ava. Ava Frost."

He smiled. "That's a cute name Ava." I felt myself about to smile so I turned around and picked up the puppy.

"Wanna have him," I asked rubbing his head.

"He's yours right," he asked rubbing the puppy on the head.

"Saved his life this morning and he's been on my tail since." I rubbed his head and realized I didn't have a name for him.

"What's his name," the boy asked.

"I don't know. I never gave him one."

"Name him after 'yaself."

"What would I name him my name is Ava."

"I meant Frost."

"Oh yeah. But he's black. Maybe midnight or something."

"Yeah. Name him Blanco."

I did like the name but.....maybe not, and besides Blanco means white... I am not going to correct this kid.

"You can have him if you want," I said putting him down on the ground. I turned on my heels and walked away from the boy and the puppy.

I stopped and felt something wet slide against the back of my ankle. I looked down to see the puppy licking my leg.

"Looks like he want you ma," the boy said with a smirk on his face. I picked the dog up and rubbed his head.

"You walk 'ta school Ava?"

"Every morning for the past few months yeah."

"Want a ride?"

"No I'm good. I enjoy walking.

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