They must be sleep. I turned on the lamp and closed the door with my foot. I sat the food down and walked over to her with the milkshake in my hand.

"Ava," I said trying to get her up. June moved his head and laid on the opposite side. She moved a little bit but didn't get up.

"Ava," I said again this time a little louder.

"Man, 'getcho behind up!"

Ava and June jumped up at the same time. She looked over at me and sighed. June started barking and I picked him up with one hand.

He licked ma face and I chuckled. I handed the milkshake to Ava and she took it from me, putting it on the stand next to her.

She leaned up and smiled. She got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

I know it's none of my business but I just wanna know why she always got Band-Aids all over her arms and wrists.

She brushed her teeth and walked back out and over to the bed. She sat on the edge and rubbed a hand down her face.

She pulled her knees up and sat criss cross in front of me. She picked up the milkshake and started drinking it.

I got up and brought the bag back over to her. I handed her the bag and she pulled out the food.

She sat my food down in front of me and grabbed hers. She pulled the small fry out and June crawled over to where we were.

She pulled some of the fries out and put them out for him to eat. Once he finished eating his fries she poured some milk into his bowl and put him on the floor and let him drink it.

She put the rest of the fries into his bowl and let him be. She came back over to the bed and leaned back. I couldn't help it so I just asked.

"Why 'ya always wearing band aids?" there it was...the question that I had been dreading.


I had to think quickly when he asked me that question. I didn't what to do or say so I just hurried and shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess I'm always getting cut," I said trying to make it sound accidental.

He nodded his head even though I know his head was racing a thousand miles per hour trying to figure out the real reason. August ain't a dummy and he knows how to tell if I'm lying.

"Oh," he mumbled. We ate our food in silence and he turned the TV on.

He turned off all of the lights out and June went back to sleep but this time he laid in his doggy bed. I went back to my momma's house and got the rest of June's things that I didn't get.

My dad was mad but whatever. He told me that he wasn't even going to claim me as his daughter.

I don't know where this came from all of a sudden when in all reality this was all over a dog. Over a freaking puppy for crying out loud.

The only good thing that came out of me getting kicked out, was that August and I got closer.

I leaned against his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso while he wrapped his right arm around me.

I snuggled closer to him and I heard him sigh. He pulled his phone out of his pocket that was silently vibrating.

He answered his phone call and I moved off of him about to leave the room.

"Where you goin," he mouthed to me.

"Walk June," I whispered.

He nodded and I got up. I grabbed June who was wide awake and was barking at himself in the mirror.

He turned around to me and jumped on my legs. I attached his leash to his collar and turned around to see August frowning.

His chest was pumping up and down and he started yelling.

"What the hell do you mean he ain't dead?! I told your dumb ass to kill him didn't I," he yelled.

June was looking at him weird so I took him outside. Once we got outside of the room I could still hear August yelling.

Good thing I still have to tell him I put in an application for an apartment.

Maybe I'll tell him later. I pushed the door open and let June walk. I walked behind him and he walked down the sidewalk.

I looked over to see a girl laying in the pool area. I looked down at June and he stopped. He put his arms out and bent his head down in a pouncing position.

He started barking at the girl and I shushed him, rubbing his head. He licked my hand and she laughed.

She walked over to me with a red two piece bathing suit. She smiled and looked down at June with shades on.

"Can I," she asked reaching her hand down to pet June. She rubbed his head and he stuck his tongue out.

A smile plastered across her face as he began to lick her hand.

"He likes you," I said to her.

"He's so cute," she cooed rubbing his belly. "What's his name," she asked.


She rubbed him some more and looked up at me. She stood up and pulled some hand sanitizer out of her small pouch.

Once she did she reached her hand out for me to shake. I low-key don't shake people's hands that I don't know cause ion know what she got.

I lightly shook her hand and pulled it back. I folded my arms behind my back and wiped them against my shorts.

"I'm Christine and you are?"

I froze in place realizing she was my old friend, Christine. The one who I thought died in the car crash with Wakeem.

I never knew why they were together or anything. All I know is they found two teens in a totaled car on the side of the road.

I went to both of their funerals and everything. I stared at her with a confused look on my face.

I smiled slightly and nodded my head.

"What's your name?"

"Avani," I said going by my middle name.

She smiled and nodded her head.

"Well I see you later, Avani," she said walking away from me.

I piece of me wanted to tackle her and beat the snot out of her for lying about her death.

A part of me thinks Wakeem could be alive too...or maybe I'm just thinking things and their both really dead and she just so happens to look like the Christine that I know and love.

I shook the thoughts out of my mind and walked June around the Inn. Once we got back upstairs August was gone with a note on the table saying he had business to handle. 

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