"Actually, yes - please," he begged, "I haven't had sex in so long that any kind of rough play will do."

"Ew," Gemma wrinkled her nose, as Harry brought his arm around my shoulders again, "you're a total mare, Liam. Right - let's go sit down."

Harry, Liam and I followed Gemma towards the front row of seats, as I took in the beautiful outdoor scenery - the chairs were white, and a white woven arch stood at the end of the aisle. Pink flowers littered the floor and decorated just about everywhere. 

"Oh, Harry, darling - is that you, pet?" a woman's voice sounded from in front of where we stood, and Harry winced sending me a look.

"Here we go," he groaned inaudibly, as an old man and woman wandered up to us.

"Harry, it is you! Oh, pet, I haven't seen you for years now!" the woman engulfed Harry in a hug, despite his towering height over her, and he visibly stiffened in her grip. "You must be what - fifteen now?"

"Hi, Nanny Rose," he said awkwardly, almost as if through gritted teeth, "I'm eighteen now, actually."

"Oh, Golly - you are getting old," the woman chuckled, pinching Harry's cheek before turning to me, "and who's this?"

"This is my girlfriend, Ana," Harry snaked his arm back around my waist, "Ana, this is Nanny Rose, and my grandad, Pete," he nodded to the man beside the woman.

"It's nice to meet you guys," I smiled politely, as the two both smiled.

"Ah, it's our pleasure, love," Pete smiled, shaking my hand as Liam stepped forward.

"Hi Nanny and Grandad!" Liam grinned, tugging the two into a hug as they laughed, hugging him back.

"Oh, Liam - always a pleasure," Nanny Rose smiled sweetly, patting his shoulder.

Gemma reappeared with the man we'd spotted earlier, James, now by her side.

"Sit down, everyone, I think it's starting," she grinned, poking Harry's side as he rolled his eyes, all of us now taking a seat.

I sat between Harry and Liam, Harry's hand immediately resting on my knee. I placed my hand over his, pressing a reassuring kiss to his cheek.

"It'll be fine," I promised, silencing his worries as he nodded, and the music began to play, his shoulders immediately tensing. I pressed a soft, reassuring kiss to his shoulder, as he exhaled deeply and lay eyes on Ben standing at the top of the aisle, nervously shifting from foot to foot. 

It was almost unreal - the atmosphere we found ourselves in as the music sounded through the outdoor area and everybody shuffled in their sights to lay their eyes on the beautiful bride as she surfaced at the end of the aisle. 

Harry's grip tightened a little on my knee, as he muttered something I couldn't distinguish, and Celia finally came into view.

Her straightened hair was sitting beautifully on her shoulders, a couple white flowers placed into it, her face glowing and absolutely gorgeous - a soft blush pink glitter on her eyes and a blush pink on her lips. Her smile was wide and bright, as she took slow steps down the aisle on the arm of Pete, who I'd met only moments ago. Her dress was a pristine white and coated in beautiful lace and sparkle, trailing along the floor - if anyone else had been wearing it I'd have called it tacky, but Celia made it look effortlessly stunning.

Harry took a sharp intake as Celia reached the end of the aisle, Ben taking her hands in his. I noted Gemma wipe the corner of her eye, leaning further into James by her side, while Liam's face held a massive grin. 

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