Chapter eight: Caged animals

Start from the beginning

Not many had seen a pet out and about and even if they had not one that was aloud to play or actually watch things. Most had to keep their eyes down, or were blind folded.

They walked past a few other cages, these were full of creatures that had freedom in their world. He kept her close while walking past these sections, criminals or sold off for reasons.

Centaurs, trolls, feral werewolves, and a Minotaur filled the electric cages. She looked to him with question. She new these creatures had freedoms, she had seen them among the zoo guests. He nodded acknowledging her question. He would explain later.

He was hesitant about taking her to the right half of the zoo. It was full of non magic creatures and he knew there were humans there. It was the first time he had ever seen such creatures, their differences alluded his comprehension, but now that he had one of his own he understood.

Some were alluring such as his rose while others were repulsive. Some were clumsy, or graceful. Their features similar but very different at the same time. He allowed people to gawk at her but when she felt uncomfortable he would remove her from the place.

"The right half now, sir?" She asked in a whisper not wanting others to hear her.

"If you wish," his eyes studied her. "Humans are caged there."

She hesitated, her face scrunched in thought, he laughed at her, she looked at him with question but he waved it off. "Okay, I would still like to see it, please Master."

A rush of euphoria ran through him hearing her sweet bell like voice call him master. She usually resorted to sir, he held down a groan of want and nodded leading her towards the less amusing half of the zoo.

Creatures of normality, lions, bears, tigers. Snakes that couldn't turn you to stone. Some strange creatures that swam about but also liked the land called seals. He never understood the appeal of creatures that did not have magical ability. Even the peacock that had brilliant colors seemed worthless to him in a way he could not explain.

All except her.

She was the most amazing creature he had ever encountered and she had nothing more then herself. She could not handle magic, she did not have fangs, or cat ears. She was basic and yet extraordinary all at the same time.

She seemed to be interested in them non the less, he avoided the human cage. He knew it was always full of creatures looking at them. Most people came here to see if they would like one. The cage was more of a cave like walk through that had multiple glass cages full of them. Usually a small family in each cage, they also had an outside area they could enter, mostly used during the summer and spring. They were the one thing that brought the zoo it's money.

Many magical creatures could sell off prisoners of war or those that broke laws to the zoo, it made them money as well as allowed for them to leave the feeling of embarrassment in the creature.

Fairies found the place to be more fun, however their enclosure had exits which allowed for them to come and go as they pleased. Mermaids were fished from the sea at a young age making zoos and aquariums the only place they new of as home. Then their kin would fill them up again so they did not need to fish for more.

Jails were an option for rule breakers but often times it was more fun to place criminals in a place to be laughed at. The practice was cruel but also entertaining.

As they went past the human cage a third time she wanted to see. "Why little one?"

She was hesitant. "I feel I am taking her kindness to my head, I do not understand that this is not a bad situation. Maybe seeing this will let me see how truly kind you are being to me. It is starting to sink in after the party and Eric's house my lord.. I just want to appreciate what I have better."

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