Chapter eight: Caged animals

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Draco watched her with interest as they entered the zoo. It was highly unusual to bring a pet to leisure activities like this, most pets only went to things like parties, or shopping.

Draco smiled as he held the leash tightly but letting her pick where to go. He padded behind her as they entered the left section of the zoo, this section was for the magical creatures and a small aquarium inside the zoo. As he followed her he heard the whispers from others.

Why was she in the lead.

What was wrong with him.

Is that the prince?

He growled realizing he could not be doing this. He caught up to her their steps in-sink.

They entered the aviary and she watched with wide eyes speechless as a phenix flew over our heads. "Phenix dear." He said hearing her question in her mind. She smiled as she watched it fly about. It's flames did not catch anything on fire however it looked like it should have. He chuckled hearing her amazed comments in her mind.

He decidedly took her out of the aviary towards another part of the zoo.

He smiled knowing she was happy, as they entered the aquarium many mermaids swam over head of them. Her eyes grew wide. "Whoa..." She said her lips in the shape of an O. He chucked seeing her eyes grow wide like a child's. Mermaids swam over and under one another. Their movements left bubbles of many colors zooming behind them.

It was a small enclosure compared to that of the true aquarium. She pulled his sleeve to get his attention. Her eyes continued to grow wide. "That is amazing!" She said. "Sir." Their scales shimmered in the artificial light. She was bouncing with excitement.

He grinned seeing she remembered. He nodded. "It is pet, now come I have a place I think you will like." He said pulling on the leash to move her, she followed him towards a greenhouse, as they entered her eyes grew even wider.

He chuckled. The gardens were full of hundreds of brightly colored flowers, the center had a little river running through it with many first of brilliant colors, neons, natural colors, and of course metallic, flying about were butterflies, ladybugs, and fairies.

She smiled widely as a fairy landed on her hand. It's small features brightly colored by its faint glow. She looked to Draco with wide eyes. "Draco it is so cute."

He pulled on her leash and she knew she had a strike but he ignored the slip up, no one was around. "Not as cute as you." He said whispering in her ear. She blushed her pale face turning pink.

The fairies left them soon but the butterflies seemed to enjoy her presence, she was warm and bright to them. She grinned as they kissed her skin. He watched wide eyed as the fairies returned shortly with a crown made of flowers, the crown was made of roses of many colors. They placed it on her head.

She looked to him with a wide smile. He could not help the smile that spread across his face, his fangs sparkled, his eyes focused on her features.

He had heard of this happening but not often, she was in their good favor. He smiled allowing her to stay still she asked to explore more.

He took her all over the zoo allowing her to stay at each place for the amount of time she wished. The stinging of the sun hardly bothering him.

She enjoyed all the species she had seen so far such as the unicorns, dragons, winged beasts, nymphs, hellhounds, and the chimera. His favorite were the griffins. He also enjoyed watching her reaction to the petting zoo.

The small creatures such as alicorns, Pegasi, and young stags that had golden horns seemed to follow her around. She had become a spectacle herself, many creatures watched her with surprise seeing the flower crown and her leash.

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