SA 58 - The Prisoner

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"Sakura... you three-." Ruka started off and looked down on the wooden floor feeling so worried and frustrated. Hotaru, Mikan, and Misaki looked at Ruka as they listened to his story. They stopped walking for a while and now stood in the middle of the dark hallway.

" All of you must've known, after Natsume came to the Academy, he had to work and do missions that we don't know about. As long as the Academy has Aoi, Natsume can't oppose no matter how much he despises them." Ruka frowned a little as he mentioned it. Misaki nodded her head, knowing that she is working with Natsume, carrying out missions as well.

" As my star rank increase, Natsume's pain increases too. I've become one of Natsume's burden, far from what I wanted to be-... supporting him as much as I could but my presence is pushing him to his limit." Ruka sighed heavily, his face darkened feeling the familiar tightening of chest. Just what he felt during the past, after seeing Mr. Hyuuga and Natsume.

" That's crazy-." Mikan frowned and clenched her hand tightly. " Mikan..." Hotaru called out wanting to calm the girl down. Mikan was already mad, irritated, and furious because of the Academy.

" Why do you both need to bear such pain?! What the heck?!" she hissed and shouted out of anger. Ruka, Hotaru, and Misaki were startled by her sudden outburst.

" I've noticed how weird and strange the academy is. Now, I'm feeling angry and frustrated as well, how could they just treat you both so badly. You didn't do anything wrong, right Hotaru? This shouldn't go on." she sighed and held her head feeling a little bit dizzy because of her shout.

" Sakura-." Ruka called out but Mikan already stomped ahead, continuing their halted walk along the hallway. Hotaru hummed in agreement before following Mikan. " Wait-." Ruka got cut off again.

" Are you just going to stand there, Ruka-kun? We shouldn't be wasting our time." Hotaru reminded that time is precious since Natsume might be in danger.

" Hey, you want to bring Natsume back right? Let's go together and beat their butts hard." Misaki shot him a small smile, understanding what Natsume went through and is going through. She wanted to help Ruka and Natsume even if it means facing against the man she is scared of, Persona.

'I will absolutely interfere with everything they plan and do.' Misaki thought and gave Ruka a nod, enlightening him.

" No mercy will be given." Hotaru calmly stated yet her eyes looked as if she's ready to hurt anyone. Mikan was willing to do something about the Academy like Misaki, she also wanted Natsume and Ruka to be happy together.

They ended up at an intersection that splits in three different paths. " What do we do?" Ruka asked. Hotaru, Mikan, and Misaki turned to him trying to brainstorm and come up with a plan.

" One path may lead to Natsume, which one should we take then?" Mikan asked out, confused with what they will be doing. If they ended up at a wrong path, their time will be wasted.

" If that's the case, we'll split up. Mikan, you'll be with Misaki since you're scared and all." Hotaru quickly said and handed them a panda ears (headphones) in order to contact each other.

They separated as soon as possible, Ruka was hesitant at first but he didn't have any choice to argue. Misaki and Mikan carefully walked along the path, the two headed down a flight of stairs. They had to touch the wall as a guide, preventing them from tumbling down as it was pitch black.

" So many stairs~!" Mikan shrieked, sweating as she was the first one going down.

" Relax, Mikan-chan." Misaki tried to calm Mikan down, as they arrived at the bottom a small light was illuminated from a mini window. They noticed that the place looks like a prison since there was a cell at a corner of the room.

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