SA 41 - Christmas Ball: Lousy

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Mikan continued to gaze around the dance floor while her mask lay in her lap, her thoughts a whirlwind of emotions. Her friends watched with concern, especially after the unexpected incident involving Natsume.

" Oh, look, it's Ruka-pyon and Natsume-kun," Nonoko remarked, her eyes wandering to a specific part of the dance floor. The others followed her gaze, their curiosity piqued.

Ruka's gaze happened to meet Mikan's, and the girl blushed a deep shade of red, quickly averting her eyes while she adjusted her mask to hide her embarrassment.

Misaki, always sharp and perceptive, couldn't resist a sly grin as she nudged Mikan and inquired, " What's the matter?" A mischievous glint danced in her eyes. Deep down, she couldn't help but wonder if something significant had occurred between Mikan and Ruka.

" N-nothing," Mikan stammered, attempting to play it cool. She wasn't quite ready to share her feelings, even with her best friend.

Ruka, ever the peacemaker, decided to intervene. He turned to Natsume, a calm smile on his face, and suggested, " Since you didn't dance earlier, you can dance with Sakura, Natsume." Not wanting Mikan to feel awkward with him.

Natsume, known for his stoic demeanor, offered him a blank look. However, Ruka was determined to nudge him forward. " You should dance with your partner at least once, right?" Ruka chuckled before turning his attention to Misaki, extending his hand in a polite gesture.

Misaki couldn't help but accept Ruka's hand, and together, they began to dance. Mikan didn't mind this arrangement, but the prospect of dancing with Natsume did make her slightly uneasy.

Natsume and Mikan danced in relative silence, their steps matching the melody of the music. They didn't exchange a single word, both seemingly lost in their own thoughts. The awkwardness was palpable, and the tension between them was undeniable.

As they continued to dance together, Mikan accidentally stepped on Natsume's foot, breaking the silence with an apologetic " So-sorry."

Natsume, ever the enigmatic figure, didn't seem particularly bothered by the minor misstep. Instead, his eyes drifted towards Misaki and Ruka. The couple was dancing with unbridled joy, their laughter and smiles serving as a stark contrast to Mikan's less-than-pleased expression.

Natsume couldn't resist commenting, " Back then, you were dancing happily with Ruka, that foolish grin on your face. At least smile a little."

" It's like you're being held as a prisoner." he added without sparing the girl a glance. 

Mikan's embarrassment transformed into frustration. " What's wrong with you?" she exclaimed, her tone incredulous as she glared at Natsume.

Natsume, true to his nature, responded with a cold retort. " You super-ugly-looking girl."

Mikan was taken aback by Natsume's words. " What did you just say, you perverted fox!" she retorted, drawing the attention of nearby students who had overheard their exchange.

Natsume, still maintaining his cool exterior, offered a simple piece of advice: " Be more careful with your choice of words, ugly girl."

The onlookers were now observing with bated breath as the exchange between Mikan and Natsume intensified. Mikan couldn't hide her frustration, and her face had turned a bright shade of red. " Fox," she shot back, challenging Natsume.

" Ugly girl," Natsume retorted, his expression unchanged.

" Slanted, ugly, baka eyes!" Mikan roared, pointing out Natsume's distinct appearance, and she couldn't help but start snickering at her own words.

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