SA 57 - Don't go

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Under the ominous red sky, the villagers gathered, their murmurs carried on the wind. A sense of foreboding had settled over them as they looked up at the burning house atop the hill.

" The sky looks red—," one villager began, catching the attention of the others who followed their gaze.

" Look! The house at the top of the hill, it's burning!" another villager exclaimed, sending shockwaves through the crowd.

" Fire?! It's starting to come down towards the village," a concerned voice noted as they all watched the flames menacingly creeping down the hill.

" They said that no matter what they do, the fire can't be extinguished," a worried female villager added, deepening the anxiety that hung in the air.

Mr. Hyuuga's eyes were drawn to the hill, where his house was located. Panic gripped his heart as he realized that Aoi was up there.

Amid the chaos, two figures rushed into the village. It was Ruka and Natsume, doing their best to assist the villagers and ensure their safe evacuation, knowing the urgency of the situation.

As they moved through the village, the villagers couldn't help but whisper about the mysterious Natsume, who seemed untouched by the flames. Rumors began to spread like wildfire.

" Look at that boy, the flames don't affect him, even the flames around him disappear!" they marveled in hushed tones as they observed Natsume alongside Ruka.

Narumi, realizing the magnitude of the situation, made an urgent call to Gakuen Alice, seeking backup. " We need immediate assistance. It's a fire Alice, and it's beyond our control."

In the midst of the unfolding chaos, Ruka and Natsume unexpectedly encountered Mrs. Nogi, who was evacuating the area.

" Be safe, you two," Mrs. Nogi said with genuine concern as she loaded their belongings into her car before driving off. The hushed murmurs of the onlookers continued.

" I know, he's the boy who caused the fire! He lives at the top of the hill, everyone says he has the Alice of fire," the gossip among the villagers spread like wildfire. Ruka and Natsume paid no heed to the whispers and continued their journey to the hospital where Aoi had been taken.

Once at the hospital, a man ushered them into a room where they saw Aoi, lying unconscious on a hospital bed. The doctors had just finished treating her, and medical equipment had been removed from her frail form.

" Aoi," Natsume whispered as he gazed upon his sister. Ruka's eyes widened at the sight of Aoi, her face covered in bandages.

The doctor provided an explanation, revealing the extent of Aoi's condition. " She's in a stable condition now, but we must maintain a quiet environment for her. Her fever and berserk Alice took a toll on both her physical and mental health." Narumi, who had been listening by the door, absorbed the information.

" She has lost part of her memory and her vision," the doctor added, causing Ruka to clench his fists, his brows furrowing in concern.

Narumi turned to the other man in the room, who questioned, " This girl was the one who started the fire?" Narumi began to explain but was interrupted by a man in a fine suit.

" Even if you say such a thing, there's an ongoing investigation, and there's insufficient evidence to implicate Serio-sensei and the academy," the man said sympathetically.

" The media and the people claim that they saw the siblings running down the hill, causing the fire," he continued. Narumi expressed his doubts, crossing his arms.

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