Tsurugi misumi vs Kankuro

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                                                           Danielle point of view

heh looks like Kankuro is up let's see what he's made off. i looked round to see Kankuro was walking down the stairs but i heard Gaara calling him a fool. ha ha well if i remember when i was hanging out with Gaara and he bring me to his house Kankuro was always a fool.

all right then you may begin.

even though you're just a little brat i'm not letting down my guard like yoroi did. in fact let me make one thing perfectly clear you'd be better off forfeiting the match before you get hurt.

i agree i'll be finished with you in no time

when Kankuro said that he got his puppet off his back but then misumi ran at kankuro he tried to hit him but it didn't work but then misumi got kankuro in a head lock

in order to gather intelligence i've had my body altered so that it can infiltrate even the smallest space. i can dislocate every joint and manipulate my limp body by the power of chakra alone! and with this same power i an keep squeezing and constricting until your bones crack!  the longer you wait to surrender the tighter i'll squeeze!

yuck so he's just like a snake.after misumi talked about his snake body he snapped Kankuro neck he thought he killed him but if i know kankuro he's got a plan. when misumi turned Kankuro round it was a puppet.

and now i can return the favor!!

misumi looked shock then two hands came out the arms wrapped around misumi, misumi was saying it's just a doll but then the real kankuro came out from the bandages.

so that's the real body?! he's a puppet master

think how much more flexible you'll be with all those bones of yours broken to bits.

the puppet what kankuro was using the puppet snapped misumi's neck.

Due to misumi's inabilty to fight of thematch is Kankuro!!

TWO OF THEM AGAINST ONE GUY ISN'T THAT AGAINST THE RULES? ISN'T IT MASTER KAKASHI?! not in this case naruto the other guy is just some kind of golem said kakashi. naurto i was friends with kankuro when i was a little kid i know all about him being a puppet master. he manipulates a lifeless doll by projecting the power of his chakra the Golem is a weapon. yeah just like shuruken throwing stars said sakura.

in any event it's time for the fourth match.

whoa whoa! this is like a never ending freak show! said naurto. look who's talking. good one master. heh sakura i don't think you'l be laughing in a minute.huh what do you mean Danielle? have a look at the board.

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