runing away from home

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                                                             Danielle point of view

It was dark, the moon was bright. I was on my own, my dad was scared of me, he didn't want me anymore, because I killed my mum with my powers, I didn't mean to kill her it just happened, my dad won't let me see my brother anymore, my dad told me I didn't belong, he said everyone would hate me and before long everyone did hate me, by then I knew I didn't belong with my dad so I ran away, I didn't know where to go, I just knew I had to get out of there, and start a new life, I started crying thinking about my past, I ran away just a few hours ago and here I am thinking of my past, but I can't think of my past now, I got to move on and for now on I can't love anyone again, not after what happened, I kept on think  I can't love anyone again, I kept on saying it until I fell asleep.


hey sorry this was short but it was to tell you what happened in her life well I hope you enjoyed it. more coming soon :)

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