"Hey, where did you leave it?" Herman asked a random girl who was standing there.

"Leave what?" She asked.

"Your ass!"

They all burst out laughing at his joke and the girl just rolled her eyes. I must admit I laughed a little too, but I immediately covered my mouth.
Nothing of what they did should be funny for me. They are foes, not allies.

Even Mark showed a nice smile when he laughed, and without noticing, I was staring at him again. God, him smiling just made me more attracted to him.

"Those jerks." Vincent said, leaning on the lockers and crossing his arms. "You may know it already but those are the most popular, cool and arrogant guys in the school. Some people admire them, while others, like me, despise them."

"I think the same way." I commented.

The group got closer and I immediately averted my gaze. I looked down as if my fingers suddenly became interesting to look at.

"Well, well, if it's not your secret admirer, Marky." That was Rupert's voice. Damn.

Mark elbowed him on his chest a little too hard and Rupert rubbed his hand against it, groaning.

"Hey, you fag." Mark spoke with a cocky smile. The others giggled. "What you've got there? Your new nerd friend? Or your new boyfriend?"

I ignored him, or at least I tried to.

"At least I'm not some dumbass dickhead like you." Vincent responded.

I heard gasps and I turned to look at him surprised. I also watched as Mark's smile dropped and made that angry face again, clenching his fists. I was glad he had answered for me, but it wasn't necessary. He's going to get us killed!

"What did you just say?" Mark spoke in a calm but intimidating voice.

"You heard me well. Or do I have to repeat it?"

"Do you think I'm stupid, you fucking moron?"

"Well, if the shoe fits..."

Suddenly Mark grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and I flinched. But Vincent didn't look scared, not even one bit. He didn't take his eyes off him.

"You better watch your damn mouth. You have no idea who you're messing with."

"Beat his ass, my love!" Scarlet cheered.

Soon more people got closer and some of them cheered to have a fight.

"Mark, stop." Skylar spoke loudly so he could hear her through the cheering. "Don't waste your time on that nerd."

"Bitch, shut up! Don't ruin the moment." Scarlet replied.

Skylar rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

Vincent and Mark continued on their glaring contest. None of them daring to start a fight. I was getting more scared with each passing second.

"So, are you going to hit me or what?" Vincent said too casually.

Finally, Mark let him go, pushing him back to the locker. I'm surprised he didn't do anything. As soon as he let him, everybody booed in disappointment and left the place.

"I'm not wasting energy in a scum like you." Mark said and looked at me. I turned away quickly. "Besides, your fag boyfriend here needs you alive."

I felt his glare on me, but I just kept looking at the ground.

Finally, they left and, somehow the atmosphere seemed less tense and calm now. Everybody returned to their chattering.

"Um, thank you..." I turned to Vincent.

"For what?"

"For defending me. But really, it wasn't necessary, you almost got into a fight."

He laughed. "Either he didn't fight because he wanted to save energy, or he was afraid of me."

I don't think Mark could be afraid of anyone. Nothing at all, actually.
Vincent was more physically fit than me. Maybe Mark only liked messing up with the weaker ones, and I was one of them.

"But hey, now you have to tell me why he called you that."

I couldn't tell him. I couldn't say that I got in this mess with Mark just because he caught me looking at him, and got the wrong idea that I liked him. Which was not wrong at all...

"I didn't do anything. I don't know why he calls me that."

"Look, Mark can be a dickhead all the time and mess up with people, but not with anyone. There's clearly something between you two."

"Well... I don't want to talk about it right now, you know?"

"Ok, if you want we can talk about that in another occasion. But listen." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "You're not alone. I'm here if you need me."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"Oh, little friend, is that you?"

I turned around to see a girl breathing heavily.


"Oh, thank God you're alive!" She said putting a hand on her chest. "Look, I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't know it would get this far... I just thought you'd get along with Mark and everyone but... it turned out the opposite thing."

"You know each other?" Vincent asked behind me.

"Uh, yeah, a few... She's the one who got me in this mess in the first place."

"And I'm sorry! I'll see if I can talk to them and tell them there was a misunderstanding, and that you..." She whispered the next part. "You never meant to look at him that way."

I felt my face light up a bit in embarrassment.

"Then they will understand and will stop bothering you, what do you say?"

"I say, don't talk to them about me. That would just get me in more trouble."

She would surely make things worse than they were now.

"Ok... I just wanted to see if I could fix things, but whatever. So, do you forgive me?"

She made a puppy face. I sighed.


"Aw, thank you. By the way, I never asked for your name?"


"Okay, Zack. I'm Amber."

"Yeah, I know."

"Oh, that's right, sorry." She giggled. Then her eyes fell on Vincent. "And, who's your friend here, eh Zack?"

She wiggled her brows and I guess I had to introduce her to him.

"Um, his name is Vincent."

He shook hands with her.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, hottie."

"Uh, thanks?"

I just laughed. We kept talking for a while. I guess I had two friends now. I felt comfortable around them.

Despite Amber starting this mess, she was actually a nice girl. She seemed sincere about apologizing and I guess we would get along.

Feel free to point out any mistakes and I'll fix them :)

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