A Day In Limbo ~ Review

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Book: A Day In Limbo 

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Book: A Day In Limbo 

Author: Belle_Dowson

Reviewed By: FrenchiestFry_xoxo (A hostess)

Book Summary: Willow, who's perspective the story is told from, is completely in love with her fiancé, Oliver. Sadly, just weeks before their wedding, Oliver dies in a car crash with the last thing Willow said to him being: "I never even wanted to get bloody married!" having a further argument and her storming out to go to work. She deeply regrets this and finds it impossible to move on, until one day Oliver appears to her. They meet in the Garden and have one day together, from sunrise 'till sunset and Oliver explains that it is Limbo: "A place for the dead and the living to be together for one last time. Willow immediately apologises and they spend their last day together. 

The grammar in this book was very clear, you could tell the authour was naturally good at English but I think their word choice could have varied a little more. They frequently used the word 'said' which I personally do not like, but the spelling and actual grammar was nearly perfect.

 Next the plot. I really enjoyed the plot of this story because it put life into perspective for me. It showed that the people you love could die at any moment and we need to treasure the time we have with them now. I like the idea of 'Limbo' (although it is unrealistic) because the idea of getting that chance to say goodbye a final time if beautiful. However, this book never tells us anymore and that is one issue I have with the plot. I wanted to know if Willow could overcome her loss and move on or if she struggled with this depression for her entire life. This may have been the authors intention though, to leave the reader with unanswered questions for them to create their own stories for. 

Because this was a short story, you don't really have time to meet the characters and see how they grow as people, but in this book you could really connected with them and understand them as people. On the other hand, you may have been able to connect with them but you couldn't relate to them. I found the main character Willow to be slightly annoying with how weak she was when her man died, but I understand that is a more accurate representation of what losing a loved one is actually like compared to some other books on Wattpad. 

Finally, the emotional impact. This book really put life into perspective for me and showed me that we have to cherish every moment with those we love. Furthermore, in the short length of this book, I felt such pity for Willow when she lost Oliver and joy when they were reunited for the last time. This shows the way the author has written the book makes it emotional and beautiful.


Don't worry, this review will not be entered into the competition as it is written by a hostess and obviously that would be unfair. 

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