The Field Trip

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Andros POV

Captain Drecher sent a shuttle down planetside for our use he had agreed to the plan but wanted to keep it as low key as possible.

I knew I had to contact Jezcoot and see if the Council had agreed to my proposal. So I brought along Milo and Drake for security. We loaded up in the shuttle and returned to the city of Ymus where we were greeted by a warrior in brass armor with a dark crimson  colored headdress that distinguished him from his men. He was nervous for some reason.

Neither one of us knowing each other's language we tried to communicate with sign language but failed. Finally he just started walking and waving for us to follow while we were escorted with a contingent of about ten heavily armed Taokin guards.

We walked closely behind the leader as he took us down the path with the white stones.

"Where are they taking us Captain?" Milo asked.

"They're taking us to their central hall where the Council of Five holds court. I can only assume they're expecting us."

"This can't be good. These guards are keeping us all together like this. It's almost like we're prisoners."

"Quiet Milo. If they were taking us prisoner they would've searched each of us for weapons and tied us up before bringing us here." Drake whispered.

"It'll be alright. I've offered to help them and we just need to see if they agree to my plan."

"If you don't mind my asking what's this plan entail.?" Drake asked.

"Well I wanted to give the Taokin a ride back to their home planet Tau Ceti Epsilon which is the next planet out from this one. It's a relatively short trip if we use the Colony Ship. It would be along the way since the Dominion needs to return to Earth."

"But the Dominion hasn't unloaded the colonists yet."

"That's part of the plan. Once their first landing shuttle arrives and drops off the colonists we can have Paul fly it over to Ymus pick up 10,000 Taokin then bring them up to the Dominion. As it's unloading Paul gets to hitch a ride back on the next lander and repeats the process. Eventually we'll get all the Taokin off of Tau Ceti Prime and  onto the Dominion. By my estimate it should take about 5 runs. Then we can transport them off world to the fifth planet.

"That's a pretty ambitious plan. You sure this will work? Did Redlands approve this action?" Drake asked.

"Not exactly. But it's close enough for me and it's the best I could come up on such short notice. Otherwise my given orders are far more, shall we say , drastic.?"

As the chamber doors were opened we could see there was a gathering of some sort already in progress going on. All eyes turned to us as we walked to one side of the circular courtyard as the Council was speaking to a group of elderly clan leaders.

As each of the Toakin took their turn we were ushered in and sent to the back of the room. I remembered not to interrupt them. The locals around would stare at us which made Milo even more nervous.

"It's nothing personal Milo they've just never seen aliens before."

"The feelings mutual."

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