First Contacts

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Made to withstand the rigors of space travel I was fairly confident we were safe within the plated steel walls of the 'train'.

Two young warriors jumped onto the tail end of the slow moving tandem 'train'. They climbed up a maintenance ladder and found themselves looking down the circular port of an escape hatch where they tried to physically pry the edge open with their rustic spears. It was a bold but reckless attempt. I was watching it all transpire from my seat on one of our video camera's.

I passed several crew members as they scrambled away from the rear compartment in fear. There was a distinct cringeworthy sound of metal scraping metal on the roof. Ahead of me I could see two of  my Marines already responding. Pvt. Milo and Sgt. Leopold already had their rifles drawn and aimed at the hatch above itching for a reason to fire.

"Hold off guys I don't think they can  actually get inside do you?"

"No Captain. Just making sure." Milo replied.

" I know - protocol."

Turning on the common channel of my handheld Comm I spoke to all the drivers in the convoy at once.

"Calling all drivers! Let's pick up the speed and get a little distance away from the angry aliens before they hurt themselves. And maybe we can shake these two off the roof." I announced over the radios.

Revving the engines and speeding up quickly I could feel the surge as the vehicle accelerated rapidly and heard the two warriors fall off the side of the train. There was a painful crashing sound followed by what I assumed must've been some of the more colorful curse words in their language being expressed with unbridled restraint.

They scrambled back to the forest edge, and turned around to make threatening motions with their arms and spears raised.

"I guess they think they've scared us off or something." Milo suggested.

Stepping up to the rear window he smiled mischievously. He quickly shouldered his weapon then pulled out a small pocket camera. In his best theatrical French accent he said," Farewell my friends! Au Revoire Mon ami! Leave if you must but I shall alveys have zis moment to remember ju by!"


It provided a much needed laugh from those of us watching.

"Is he always like that?" I asked the Sargeant.

"Yeah. He's French-Canadian."

I nodded as if that made perfect sense.

"Hey Private!" Leopold said.

"Yes Sir?"

"Send me a copy of that picture. I might want to frame that."

"Yes Sir I'll get right on it."

Milo disappeared down the corridor while admiring the picture he'd just taken.

Portsby showed up and Barkley brushed past both of us silently.

"If these aliens would just learn to stay away from us maybe we can avoid a real conflict. These poor creatures have no idea what we're really capable of." I said to Portsby.

Jason leaned  forward hoping to catch a last glimpse of the native warriors from the porthole window.

"They remind me of Australian Aboriginals. Was that a head dress I saw on one of them? Did anyone else see that ?" he asked aloud to nobody in particular.

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