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I stood at attention behind the glass partition that passed for a wall patiently waiting for my formal orders to be approved. I was waiting inside the dispatch office. Marianne the office admin was slumped down low in her chair fidgeting each time I glanced at my watch. By design they didn't have a chair for customers. So, of course, I used that against them and stood as close as possible to the see through wall and would watch Marianne's every move as I waited.

Marianne quietly made a third request for expediting case number 3871699 on her Comm while glancing at me nervously. I was dressed in my unpolished battle vest armor drawing more than a few looks of concern from the office personnel nearby. It wasn't often that they had an actual Germinator arrive in full uniform. It was one of the older models faded, rusty, scratched and held together by worn out  brown leather straps. In their sterile office environment they often forget that the business of Terra-forming involved more than planning and meetings. It was a truly dirty business but one that was extremely profitable in the end.

She transferred my orders to a transparent small oval amulet about the size of my finger that I could easily carry around in my pocket and carefully placed it on her glass desktop before gently pushing away from herself towards me with her index finger being careful not to accidentally touch my gloved hand in any way.

"Thank you Marianne. Once again I owe you one. Perhaps when I get back I can take you out to lunch or something?" I asked aloud.

In her eyes I could tell she was both surprised and horrified at the same time. Without waiting for a reply I winked and left knowing she'd be mercilessly teased by her coworkers after I left. I knew they were gossiping silently anyway.

Alan Portsby my second in command was standing by the elevators admiring the view outside. From the 31st floor you could see the entire city which was well above the normal smog level below giving the false impression that the air was almost breathable.

"Why do you do that ?" he asked without looking at me.


"You know .... tormenting that poor girl like that. She'll probably be wiping her desk down with antiseptic as soon as we're gone."

"I know Portsby that's why I do it." I said smiling to myself. He sighed quietly shaking his head as the elevator doors opened.

As I entered I could see Marianne gently rearranging things on her desk with tissues in her hands.

Plugging the amulet into my helmet port I pulled up the crew log to see if my personnel choices were approved.

As usual they had cut the number in half meaning I had only 13 crew members for the expedition and one name I had never seen before.

"Portsby have you ever heard of a Biologist by the name of Jason Barkley?"

"Not off hand ....unless he's related to Dr. Nathan Barkley the Vice President."

"That name is familiar."

"It should be since he's the one who approves our paychecks. He was part of one of the founding families of Redlands Inc."

"Aaah yes I see. I just hope this guy knows his stuff because we're going in with only 13 men and women. This goes against my personal policy." I said.

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