Chapter 6: Mare

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Chapter 6:

Chapter 7 Preview:

My hand reaches up to the side of his face and stays there. Warmth from his soft cheeks radiates to my hand. He sucks in a breath. This is the first time we touched in forever. His hand wraps around my waist. It seems to break me, the realization of how much I've longed for his touch, his smell, his taste. I lean my head on his chest.

And that is the end of the short sample! I can't wait for you guys to read it in the next chapter!


I step outside of the car and let the cool air envelope me. I let my eyes wander around what was once Norta. Now it's unrecognizable. Flowers buds crushed and strewn across the castle grounds, grass blades nowhere to be found. Just a dry, barren vast ground. This must of been the act of the silver protests. Greenys must have completely destroyed the plants, while the nymphs have taken every ounce of water from the ground and turn it into this dry, cracked and ugly ground.

I wrinkle my nose at the pungent smell, fish with a tang of salt. The Reds have quit their jobs and left the all the silvers to rot, which I don't blame them for doing so. And since the Silvers are so above doing any farming, food has been scarce. Cal has probably been taking to fishing to get food, seeing that there is no fresh harvest or produce.

Oh Cal. I think of what he has been through this past year. While I was up enjoying the peace in Montfort, he was trying to control a battle between two sides of a country.

As the others step out of the car, I can feel their eyes assessing the sorry state of Norta. Only silence has come to greet us, Cal and Julian must be on the inside. Which makes sense, considering the immense danger of lingering outside while protesters are on the loose. Even if we did come through the back entrance, danger still lurks.

We are quickly ushered inside. The last thing I see our car pulling away before the door is slammed shut.

I look up to find myself staring right into the ice blue eyes of Cal. 

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