Chapter 3: Mare

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Chapter 3: Mare

I walk in the room with a leveled stare, my face bare of emotion. I catch Evangeline sneering at my face. I give her nothing in return. In the past year that I've stayed in Montfort, I only talked to Evangeline if the situation required to. Which, thankfully, was not much. I can hardly care what's been keeping her busy this past year. Even though my respect for her has risen after she had the guts to take her opportunity and escape from the only life she had ever known. But enough thinking about Evangeline.

There are more pressing things to think about. There is no doubt that this urgent meeting has something to do with Cal and some sort of trouble in Norta. No doubt that it will require us to go give help. I will see Cal again, I will see Norta again. But after so long? What if he changed, just like I had? I clench my fist. What kind of stupid thoughts was I thinking about?

The Premier speaks, breaking me out of my reverie. "Take a seat, Mare".

I warily eye the chair he points to. I go sit anyway.

The Premier talks. "We've got news from Norta," the Premier gave a grave look "The Lakelander's Queen has been shot".

Shocked silence awaited him. When had this happened? Why?

The Premier continued. "The Lakelander's have been protesting for equal rights for reds for a long time. The Lakeland's Royals have been pushing back, denying reds their rights."

"Just a couple of hours ago, while a protest was happening in front of the castle, the Queen had stepped outside. A red took the opportunity and shot her in the head."

Again, that unnerving silence crept it's way through.

I stand up. "Are you saying........".

The Premier nodded.

Everyone knew what this meant. Iris and her sister would not let this go unchecked. They would get their revenge. On the reds. On the Newbloods. Who knew? Would their fury end there? Norta was the reason that all the reds in the Lakelands were protesting. Norta was the one who gave birth to a new generation, a new world, with a brighter future for everyone. Surely if Iris decided to avenge her mother's death, it would unravel everything Cal had done, what all those hundreds of reds died for, what Shade had died for. Shade. I push him away from my mind. The end of the war had gave me some sort of closure on his death. It made me happy to see that his death wastn't wasted. His death wasn't forgotten. It had made a difference. Now, everything we worked so hard for could come apart with just one blow from Iris Cygnet.

No. NO! I can't do this. I have to stop this. We all do. We all have to stop Iris Cygnet from destroying everything we worked for, from destroying the bright future, and from destroying the start of a new world. 


Hope you guys enjoy chapter three!! 

Comment here if you want the next chapter through Cal's POV

Comment here if you want the next chapter through Iris's POv

Please tell me soon which POV you all would like! And as usual, it would be really great if you could give me feedback on my writing. This is my first fanfiction that I've ever written so it would really help!

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