Chapter 5: Cal

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Chapter 5:

I stare out of the window and sigh. I look over Norta and see nothing but a mess. Protestors gather everywhere, mainly silver, going on and on about how Reds are not equal to them. A lot of Norta continue to ignore the decrees I set in place, treating reds in the same terrible manner that they did before. But what does it matter? Anything I did will be erased in a matter of seconds where Iris is concerned. Norta is still trying to lick its wounds from the previous battle. We have no army, all the reds in it have left, seeing that it wasn't manditory for them to stay. Not only this, but our country is divided in two, battling a war that has existed for ages. All this leaves Norta incredibly vulnerable.

I glance over in the direction of Montfort, even if I can't see anything. Word has come that they will be arriving tomorrow. At least one thing is going right! With Montfort on our side, it might just tip the scale. But will it be enough?

I quickly erase all thought of Montfort quickly. It bring me a stab of pain and longing. Mare. A day doesn't go by without missing her. I wonder if she thinks about me. If she will ever want to come back. I shut off the thoughts completely. Idiot. Half of this country is in chaos, it's on the brink of another war, and all that consume your thoughts are about love?

The only good thing that came out of this past year is that I truly found myself. I found that I have to be motivated by my own actions. Before, it was either my dad or Nannabel or even Maven that drove me. Now, I've learned to be in control of myself. Mare was right, a little time to ourselves  and distance away from each other was the right decision. Not that I like the distance part anymore than I'm supposed to.

I turn away from the window and face the rest of the castle. If it can even be called that now. In my history textbooks, I read how long ago there was something called democrazy, in which the citizens decided how they wanted things to happen. Of course there was some sort of king called the president but he didn't have the power to do whatever he wanted happen to the country. I tried coming up with that system for Norta only to have failed. The Silvers have made it quite difficult, not allowing any sort of change or reform to happen. 

But what does it matter? I think for the second time. Only silence answers me.

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