Evolution: The Epilogue

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I do not know who I am.

People have asked me in the past, and I tell them my name. Because Subject Six used to be my identity, but now I have a knew one, and then something happened to that one.

Metamorphosis transcended me into something else; something stronger.

It divided me from my kind, stripping me of what I thought I knew about myself. Broke down barriers in my mind, and opened new doors to what I could be. But, that's not all it took from me.

I lost pieces of me I thought were innate, buried so deeply inside me, I didn't think they could be moved. Sometimes, I catch myself wondering what am I? I thought the answer was simple.

A Splice; a biologically and genetically enhanced creature, made from the mind of a genius. A man who knew true sacrifice, whilst hiding behind the facade of an arrogant genius. No one knew who he truly was, not even me.

I don't want to leave behind the same mysteries as he has.

Just because I don't know who I am, doesn't mean I don't know what I am. I am the heir to intelligence no one can have, I am the protector of people and creatures that do not want me, and I am the monster who will go after the ones who took everything from me.

Rage stroked through me; a new kind of hunger. All it done was make me crave something darker than I'd ever wanted before. Only this time, I was in complete control of that desire, and I even accepted it.

Damien would want me to do better. However, I think we both knew I was never good at following instructions. It made me wonder if he knew this was the path I would choose, as his blood spilled from him.

Inside my chest, where my heart should be, was a fire. The kind that branded my sole with a new kind of purpose, they had taken too much from me for me to bow down.

Somewhere, hidden away was my pack. They thought they were like me but they're not. In this world there is only one of my kind, which makes me a target. Painting my skin in luminescent paint, a beacon for all the power-hungry bastards left in the wake of the chaos.

Right now, they won't understand why I'm doing this. Maybe they never will, but I did. The price on my head was too high for anyone else to pay, and I was too selfish to watch the ones I loved die for the treasure I had to keep.

In the distance, I could hear them. Eric was barking at them to keep moving, keep their heads down. They hadn't felt me slip away, I done it so meticulously that they wouldn't, until it was too late.

Out of them all, I wondered if this would hurt him more between them all. Tonight, he wasn't just losing me. They took Hayden in the midst of it, I could still hear her screaming pleads, the way she stared holes through her father.

"Bullseye!" I remember the desperation betraying her strength, the way she so viciously fought, "Bullseye!"

Death. She was begging her father to shoot her dead, rather than to be captured. It was the first time I'd ever seen Eric hesitate, and I saw the price of it. Now, the weight of his decision hung over him like a cloak of liability.

But it was me. I was the reason they came here, and now I had to leave before they found the one thing Damien Ripper treasured; his haven for the sick.

It was down to me to take back what they'd stolen. None of us even knew if Hayden was alive, but I intended to find out. She was only there because she thought she was protecting me. What was it with that family, and trying to protect me?

My fingers touched the chain around my neck, fully aware of the power it was withholding. They would leave too, the rest of my pack. To draw away the danger, because that was who they were, and they were lucky to have Eric.

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