Then I cooked chicken with the help of Jisoo unnie.

I moved on to making dumplings.

" flour, where's the flour." I mumbled as I opened every cupboard.

I may be tall but I still couldn't reach the flour.

It was at the tip of my fingers but it was still hard to reach.

" got it.. nearly there." I mumbled as I just managed to reach it

" aaahhhh!!" I screamed as the flour fell all over me

I was coughing as I tried to get rid of all flour in my mouth.

Let me tell you this, flour does not taste good.

I was quickly interrupted with someone screaming.

I panicked and did the first thing I thought of I threw the first thing that was next to me.

Which was probably not the best thing to do especially without looking at the person

" Lisa!" I heard someone say

I looked up and there in all his glory stood my husband covered in egg yolk

" JUNGKOOK!." I said as my eyes widened as I saw him stalk towards me carrying a bottle of milk


I started walking away as I saw that his face was serious

God he looks hot.

Wait what?

I'm about to die in the hands of the golden maknae and I'm here talking about how hot my husband is.

I started running around the kitchen counter when I heard his footsteps behind me, but my victory ended quickly when i spun around with my waist and backed into the kitchen wall.

" you make quite the first impression lisa." Jungkook said as he looked at me as I was still trying to remove the bottle of milk from his hand

" second actually, this is our second meeting so this is my second impression." I stated still battling for my life

" your right I mean how am I to ever forget that moment when you banged into the door. It was cute." He replied with a smirk

I growled as he just chuckled, before he lifted his hand to pour the milk on me.

Fortunately for me I've been in numerous food foghts with my unnies, so I quickly flipped us around and poured the milk on Jungkook.

I couldn't help but laugh as he looked so confused.

" should've seen that coming. You Yg lot are clever." He muttered as he wiped his face with a tissue.

" I'll go clean up and then I'll finish cooking. There's a spare bathroom you can clean yourself up there." I said once I sobered up, but then I started cracking up once I looked up again. I heard him join in as I walked upstairs

" I'll get you back !" I heard him scream as I went into the bathroom.

There were no camera's here so Im grateful.

I had a quick shower and went to finish of my cooking when I saw that it was already finished for me

" Jungkook!" I screamed as i saw Jungkook arrive coming out of the kitchen with the chicken

" yeah."

" who cooked this?" I asked as i looked at the food

" i did." He replied with his bunny smile

" really?" I asked as I looked at him shocked.

" why do you not believe me ?" He asked with a playful glare

" no , i mean yes, it's just that i saw you cook potatoes in bts run and it didn't really work out." I replied quickly looking at him

He just chuckled as he pulled a chair out for me to sit on

" yeah well Jin hyungs been teaching me how to cook. Plus Jennie noona and Jisoo noona taught everyone how to make macrons on Blackpink house, so I just followed that." He replied as he showed me his phone which had blackpink house playing.

" this is soo good." I heard Jungkook say as he took a bite of the pineapple rice

" thanks, my dad taught me how to make it." I replied at I took a bite out of my chicken

" when do you think I'll get to meet your family?" Jungkook asked as he looked at me

" as in blackpink or as in the whole of Yg?" I asked with a smirk.

I mean it didn't take a genius to figure out that Jungkook was the biggest Yg fan.

Yes I did watch all of his fan cams especially my ones where he raps my lines.

I actually find that cute since I know that our conversations won't be dull.


" limario!"

" kookie lisa!"

" yeah." I replied as I looked up to find Jungkook smirking at me

" i said I'm looking forward to meet everyone in your family." He replied with a smile which I gladly returned.

"After i meet my brother in laws." I replied smirkig as the corners of his mouth lifted up into a smile

We had finished eating shortly and I feel like this married life won't be terrible since I know that we'll got on just fine.

We decided to spend the rest of the day unpacking since life would just be much easier.

There was only one king sized bed and we decided that i would take the left side and him the right.

We were going to have to get used to sharing a bed so might as well just do it now.

"So kookie lisa huh?" Jungkook asked me as we lyed down on the bed.

"Goodnight Jungkook." I quickly replied as i closed my eyes to sleep

I heard him chuckles as he pulled the covers up

" goodnight Lisa." He said as I felt darkness take over me.



Thank you guys for reading.

Thank you guys for reading

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We got married Liskook *UNDER EDITINGМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя