"Okay, first things first, I do forgive you." I explained, her face lit up as she smiled and reached over to hug me.

"Don't act so surprised, you knew it would happen." I chuckled. "But I still need to know what happened. The whole story." my voice turned serious.

She leaned back and sighed. "I do at least owe you that. What I said about my past was true. My mother did leave me when I was a baby, and my father was a cop and single dad. Though he died about 4 years ago." 

I saw the pain in her eyes as she spoke of him. "How did you meet Aiden and join the gang?" I asked.

"Aiden had a sister, she was my  friend. I met Aiden through her." she began to explain.

"What do you mean had? Why would you join?" I saw my questioned triggered something within her.

"Yes. Melissa...she...she died." Kate said, lost somewhere within her own thoughts.

This must be why Aiden was so closed off, why he never showed any emotions, why he always put a wall between himself and everyone else. This was why he looked so pained when I talked about my own sister. My heart sank. I had been so quick to judge him as a cold and heartless asshole. I never once stopped to think of what happened to him that caused him to be that way.

"How did she die?" I asked in a low voice.

Kate hesitated a little. "Look, Kara I love you and you are my best friend in this world, but that is something that isn't up to me to tell you. You will have to ask Aiden. But Melissa's death is the reason I joined. I'd lost everyone I was close to, and I knew the gang would look out for me."

I stopped listening after the first sentence. "No Kara, I know that look, stop thinking about it." she scolded. "Curiosity killed the cat."

A sneaky smirk appeared on my face. "But satisfaction brought it back." 

Kate shook her head. "You are going to be the death of me. Have you always been a trouble maker or is this something that I caused? Anyways let's talk about something else."

I laugh. What could we possibly talk about? Maybe the fact I was kidnapped. Maybe that I was falling for the man who kidnapped me. How I knew I could have no life, that he would either kill me or keep me a prisoner.  

"I told him about Anna." I said looking at the wall.

Kate sighed heavily. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I bet she was just like you. Strong, independent, trouble maker, funny." 

I felt the lump rise in my throat as my eyes began to water. I hoped dearly that Kate would change the subject.

Kate gasped. "Kara what about college?!" she yelled.

I scoffed and collected myself quickly. "Honestly I don't think I will be going back. I mean you have met Aiden right? About six foot, green eyes, blonde curly hair?"

She giggled. "I know, but maybe he will loosen up, you know after a while. Plus we could always use another doctor around here."

I laughed at yet another one of her crazy ideas. "Okay well when this all happens, call me, I would really love to see that."

We both laughed. Kate grabbed the remote from my hands flipping through random channels until she landed on a random channel that seemed to have something interesting on. We sat on the couch in comfortable silence for a long time until a thought popped into my head.

"Kate?" I say.

"Yea, what's up?" she questions not looking form the TV.

"Don you know what Aiden keeps upstairs?" I ask hoping she had an answer.

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