to let me smile | mashirao ojiro (+doggos)

Start from the beginning

"Mom, Dad, I'm home~!" you called.

It was silent.

"...Mom?" you whispered, confused.

Still nothing.

You felt a chill crawl up your spine, and you shivered at the thought.

"Oh my god..." you whispered in horror...


It was at this point you realized you were probably better moving back into your mom and dad's house instead of this rented apartment.

You turned off your AC and walked over to your small aquarium, feeding your little water-living animals and jumping on to the couch.

You love your boyfriend, and you wanna look great by all accounts, but you're not getting ready for at least another three hours.

He can wait - you wanna rewatch the last episode of adventure time.

(Personally, I wasn't allowed to watch AT so I'm sorry for your losses, guys, I can only imagine how tragic that must feel.)

While you were watching shows, Ojiro was spending his time getting everything perfectly ready. He'd already figured that he'd just wear some black, slightly skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a printed jacket, 

He wanted to go to the store and buy flowers for you, just to add a little sugar to the date, but, he supposed that he can just win you all sorts of prizes at the Fair so he decided against it in the end.

He waited along side his shikoku dog until it was time for him to pick you up, and once it had that thirty-minute mark, he walked out of the house.

Wrapping his knuckles on the door of your flat, Ojiro smiled as you opened the door and pecked his cheek.

You were wearing something casual, a bit flirty, and cute nonetheless.

Normally, you don't use a lot of make up, if any, so he was surprised to see mascara and a matte coat of lipstick on your lips.

"You look hot," he blurted, before widening his eyes and waving his hands profusely, "s-sorry! I didn't mean to say that, oh my gosh-"

You interrupted his stammering by a fit of giggles, blushing at his compliment. "Thanks, babe, I tried," you grinned, wrapping your hand around his. "Shall we?" you asked.

His lips pushed together into a line, nodding as he suddenly had interest in his shoes.

"Okay," he sighed, still looking away. God, that was so embarrassing. Way to go, Tailman.

The fair wasn't far away at all, really. In fact, the school you were attending was able to see the fair. It was like - a block or two away from you, so you could literally walk to the fair after school got out.

Which is what the two of you did; you walked to the fair without needing to waste gas. To be honest, with all of the prizes that he'll inevitably win for you, this will be a bad decision later, but at least it gives the two of you a more comfortable atmosphere, and he can directly look at you while chatting on the way there.

"How's school going, ___?" he asked, swinging your hand with his to and fro.

You nodded off, "not much to say about it, actually. I finally got that C up to a B, so I'll finally be able to not stress about my grades at the very least... oh! And," you almost forgot, and you blushed looking back up at him. "As you know, Homecoming is this week... so... I wanted to ask if you could come with me? Not to say I wouldn't love to go with you- but I mean you don't even have to go because I don't know if that's your thing..." you smiled, twiddling with your thumbs.

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