
Do you have a crush on someone? x

Instantly my heart squeezed inside my chest while my stomach twisted violently, filling me with hope. Automatically my fingers went to the keyboard and started typing quickly while Lily started talking about having to go and replying to one last comment or something. I waited as she read over the comments, then stopped at one and smiled.

"Hm... I wonder why the name Louis underscore Tomlinson sounds so familiar..." She smirked at the screen. "Why hello Louis. Nice question." She laughed and re-read it. "To answer your question; Yes. Now I'll see everyone later. Wish me luck for my performances!" She cried before closing her laptop. I slowly smiled and looked at my comment.


Is your crush from someone from that boy band, One Direction?? ;)

***Lily's P.O.V***

Closing the laptop I let out an excited squeal. Louis had watched. And asked a question about my crush. To answer all your silent questions, yes I have a crush on someone from One Direction.


No I'm kidding, relax. I like Louis. A lot. And I think he likes me, too. My mind started going into over-drive, thinking up possibilities of Louis and I together. I quickly shook my head and walked back up to my room, seeing Shreya on the bed reading. "Afternoon Shrey." I smiled at her. She looked at me in disbelief.

"I can't believe you told the whole world you have a crush on someone from that band! If Simon finds out he'll kill you! All your publicity will be because of them, Lily!" She cried, setting her book down and glaring at me.

"Take a chill pill Shreya. It's just a crush." I told her. She looked behind me, bit her lip and quickly got up, running out of the room. I turned around and saw Simon Cowell. "Simon... Hi." I muttered.

"I was here checking out how everyone was settled in when some banter broke out between the boys while watching your Twitcam. Seems your a favourite of them." Simon told me. I nodded slowly.

"That's nice..." I mumbled. I picked up Shreya's book, sitting down and waving my hand at a chair for Simon to sit in. I read the back of the book slowly, trying to ignore Simon's glare.

"Lily, I'm disappointed in you." Simon stated. You don't say..?

"Why's that?" I asked, faking dumb as I placed the book on the table. He rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Lily, you told the world you have a crush on Louis." He told me. I gaped at him. I never even mentioned Louis' name when I told people I had a crush.

"I don't have a crush on Louis!" I yelled. Simon looked at me, raising an eyebrow. I bit my lip, hating the lie. "Okay, so maybe I have a crush on Louis. But it's nothing and I didn't mention his name!" I told him. He sighed.

"As Shreya stated all your publicity will be because of them. You won't win because One Direction's fans will get bored with you, just like Louis will." Simon stated. And as soon as he said it, I knew he was right. None of the boys fans will like me during the finals, and Louis will forget all about me. He'll see me on TV and ask someone my name. He doesn't like me. At all.

"You can leave now, Simon." I told him, all the friendly-ness in my voice leaving. He nodded and stood up, waving half-heartedly before leaving me to drown in my own self-pity.


"When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know-. Shit!" I exclaimed, slamming my hand down on the piano as I got the note wrong again. I placed my elbows on the piano and my head in my hands.

"Stop swearing and sing." Simon ordered. I looked up at him then to the camera filming my every move. It was still weird, even after 3 days of it.

"Stop telling me what to do and stressing me out then maybe I'll get this damn chorus right!" I yelled back, making him flinch. I guess he wasn't used to people telling him off, not as much as me anyway. I started pacing around the piano as he watched me, making sure I didn't throw a tantrum like I did yesterday. Don't worry, the chair didn't hit anyone.

"You need to feel the song, Lily. You need to feel the lyrics, make the words your own." He told me after a few minutes of watching me pace. I looked at him like he was insane. "Lily if you don't feel the lyrics then you can't sing the song." He said it as if it was the most simplest thing in the world. I nodded and picked up the lyrics sheet again, nodding to the starting music before starting to sing.


After practice I walked straight to my room and picked up my phone. I didn't have any messages and that made me feel upset. I opened up my contacts and went straight to the 'B's. I clicked on 'Boobear<3' and then on his number, putting it to my ear when it showed it was ringing.

"Lily?" Louis' voice asked. I sighed as his sweet voice filled my ears and went straight to my brain, making me feel extremely light-headed.

"Louis." I sighed.

"Lily! Hey, I've been meaning to call you! We had this amazing signing the other day and-." He started to ramble, but I cut him off.

"Tell me it's not true Louis." I whispered. He stuttered and stopped speaking in confusion. When he was about to talk I interrupted him again. "Tell me what Simon keeps telling me isn't true." I pleaded.

"What's he saying, Lil?" Louis asked, making me want to cry. I sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed, breathing out shakily.

"Do you and the boys care for me, Louis?" I asked. I heard him sigh. "Tell me the truth, Louis. Because if you don't I'll leave you alone." I told him. I heard ruffling on the other end and he sighed again.

"Lily, of course we care about you! Simon's making up shit so you'll feel stuff for the song. Don't take any notice to what he says because the boys and I care for you." He reassured me. It sounded forced, like he had said it over and over.

"Bullshit Louis." I whispered before hanging up and laying down, crying myself to sleep.

***Louis' P.O.V***

After Lily hung up I walked slowly back into the room where the other boys were. They all looked up at me and stood up, getting concerned at my pale face. "Louis? What happened? Are you alright?" Liam asked.

"Don't expect anything from Lily for a while lads." I whispered. Then as if nothing had happened I smiled and jumped on Harry, snuggling into his chest and watching the movie that was still playing.

The whole time the only thing that ran through my head was Lily's voice telling me I was lying. Was I lying? No! The lads and I do care for Lily. She's like a sister to them and more to me. We'd known her for a short-while but she was still amazing and important.

"Louis?" Harry whispered halfway through the movie. I looked up at him and then to the other boys, Niall and Liam cuddling on the love-seat and Zayn sleeping on the sofa. "Lou, what happened with Lily?" He asked.

I looked up at my best friend and sighed, shaking my head. He bit his lip but let it drop, turning back to the movie. Should I tell the boys? It concerns them right? But then Liam will try to call Lily and Niall will get upset and I can't bear Niall getting upset.

No, this is between Lily and I. And if I have to quit the band to prove to Simon that messing with Lily's feelings is wrong, then I will.

For Lily.

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