The guitars were loud, the sound was hectic, and the lead singers voice was scratchy, raw, and amazing. After their first song ended, I asked Jonathan- more like yelled, it was so loud in there- what the name of the band was. "Nirvana," he answered proudly. I noticed then he wore a shirt with a small symbol in the upper corner that read
Sub Pop.

I recognized that name from Jeff and Stone discussing it, I wondered if they'd heard of this band.
We ended up staying for the rest of the show.

When it was over and the crowd was slowly filing out, Jonathan asked if we'd like to meet them. We of course said yes.

He led Jen and I to the back of the large room. The band was already packing up their instruments when we approached them.

"Jonathan!" The bassist greeted.
He was super tall.

"Hey boys, great show. Listen, I want to introduce you to these ladies. This is Jennifer, she's the owner of Easy Street Records in Seattle. Which I believe will become famous one day," Jonathan said.

Jennifer beamed at that. All three guys came forward and shook her hand. Jonathan then said "And this is her assistant, Heather. She's new to the area."

"Hi," it was the lead singer who spoke to me first. He had long, dirty blond hair and very pretty blue eyes.

"I'm Kurt, nice to meet you. Hope we didn't scare you off back there," he said in a calm voice that stood out in contrast from his singing.

"No way. I loved it."

"Cool," he said with a nod.  "This is Krist and Chad."

Each of the guys came up and shook my hand as well.

We all exchanged some small talk for a few minutes.

"What was your favorite song?" the lead singer, Kurt, asked me.

I thought for just a second before answering.

"The last one you did."

"Oh yeah? We don't have a name for that one yet, actually," Kurt said with a frown, then continued: "And it's funny you chose that one. It's not like the rest of our songs at all."

"It's not," I agreed. "I guess I was just fond of it because I could tell it was about a girl."

Kurt's expression became thoughtful for a moment.

"That's it. That'll be the name of it."

My smile mirrored Kurt's. Did I just help name a Nirvana song?

I could've stayed and talked with them for a long time, they were just so interesting, but Jen was ready to go and the guys were about to leave as well. In fact, we all walked out to the parking lot together. The three guys loaded up into an old rusty van, with Krist driving.

They were behind us as we drove off. We headed west for Seattle, and they headed east towards downtown Olympia.

When we got back into Seattle, Jennifer wanted to get a bite to eat so we stopped at the same deli shop I'd gone to by myself, my first full day in Seattle several weeks ago. After that, Jennifer dropped me off at the apartment and wished me a good weekend.

"Thank you so much for taking me along tonight. I had a great time," I told her sincerely as I hopped out of the car. She smiled and waved her hand casually.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll start bringing you every time I go on a record run!" I laughed.
"Please do. Bye Jen!"

I got in the elevator and pressed number 3. Just as the door closed, I heard a ding and it opened right back up. It was Jeff. He stood there, laughing as if it was the funniest thing in the world. Then he saw me.

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